The G20 foreign ministers discuss reforms at the United Nations

The G20 foreign ministers discuss reforms at the United Nations on the second day of their meeting in Rio

Rio de Janeiro, February 22 (EFE). – The foreign ministers of the G20 countries began this Thursday the second and last of their working sessions at the meeting convened by Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, where they will discuss possible reforms in multilateral organizations, including the UN, the WTO and the IMF.

After addressing the current international conflicts, especially those in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip, at their meeting on Wednesday, the foreign ministers of the world's largest economies will again discuss behind closed doors this Thursday reforms that would give multilateral organizations greater effectiveness in dealing with the escalation of tensions.

The so-called “global governance” reform is one of the priorities of the G20 during the presidency of Brazil, which took over the coordination of the forum last November and will exercise it until November of this year, when the summit of heads of state and government is scheduled . and government of the group in Rio de Janeiro.

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva defends far-reaching reforms in multilateral conflict resolution bodies, especially in the UN Security Council.

“The current global governance institutions are unable to deal with the tensions we are currently facing, as evidenced by the paralysis of the United Nations and reflected in the loss of innocent lives,” Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira said in He said the speech on Wednesday at the opening of the ministerial meeting.

Vieira said Brazil is very concerned about the current security situation in the world, pointing to a study that recorded at least 170 conflicts between states last year, the highest number in three decades.

According to the minister, global military spending amounts to $2 trillion per year, but aid programs for poor countries remain stagnant at $60 billion per year.

“Without peace and cooperation, it will be very difficult to achieve the promised mobilization of the necessary resources to address challenges such as combating poverty and inequality and protecting the environment,” he said.

The G20 meeting in Rio was attended by virtually all foreign ministers of the member countries, with the exception of China and Italy, as the dubious Indian minister finally arrived in the capital of Rio.

The foreign ministers of some countries invited by Brazil are also taking part, including Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay, its partners and Argentina in Mercosur.

The meeting brought together U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov for the first time since the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in prison last week, an event that has made tense relations between the two countries even more so. EFE

