The goal is not to contain China Biden said when

“The goal is not to contain China, Biden said when announcing the strategic pact with Vietnam

“It’s not about containing China. “It’s about having a stable base in the IndoPacific,” said the President of the United States

Joe Biden in Vietnam 09/10/23

Sputnik US President Joe Biden arrived in Hanoi late Sunday after wrapping up his visit to New Delhi, India, for the G20 summit. China’s Foreign Ministry warned the US before the trip to Hanoi that Beijing would not accept further attempts to “undermine the peace, stability, development and prosperity of the region.”

President Joe Biden told reporters on Sunday that he has no intention of “containing China” as the White House announced a major breakthrough in U.S.Vietnam relations, including in the security area.

“Really, this trip is less about containing China, I don’t want to contain China. “I just want to make sure that we have a relationship with China that is clear and straightforward and where everyone knows what’s going on,” Biden said at a news conference in Hanoi.

“And one way to do that is to make sure we’re talking about the same things. And I think one of the things that we’ve done tried to do… is we have the opportunity to strengthen alliances around the world to maintain stability. That’s what this journey is about. India should cooperate much more with the United States, be closer to the United States, Vietnam should be closer to the United States. It’s not about containing China. “It’s about having a stable base in the IndoPacific,” Biden said.

The president did not elaborate on what kind of “base” he was talking about.


The same principle applies to the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, an IndoPacific pact concluded in 2017 that includes the United States, Australia, India and Japan, Biden said.

“For example, when I spent a lot of time talking to President Xi, he asked why we were doing this, why I should have the QUAD… And I said maintaining stability. It’s not about isolating China, it’s about isolating China.” I’m sure the rules of the game will be followed. And so I hope that Prime Minister Xi, I mean Xi, is facing some difficulties right now… I want to see China succeed economically, but I want to see them succeed in playing by the rules,” Biden said.

The United States and Vietnam officially upgraded their relationship to a comprehensive strategic partnership on Sunday, with the White House releasing an explanatory document showing that the new status includes a new semiconductor supply chain partnership, a scientific and technological research agreement and a would include greater peopletopeople cooperation. Human relations in education and deeper trade and investment relations in agriculture, lending, climate, human rights, health, rare earths and energy.

The strategic pact also underscores the U.S. commitment to “deepening” security cooperation with Vietnam, including by providing nearly $9 million for programs and equipment “to expand Vietnam’s ability to combat regional and transnational crime” and “To improve maritime and port facility awareness, security, cargo security and… ability to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing.”

Finally, Washington is also committed to providing Hanoi with additional financial support to address the legacy of the Vietnam War, including a technologyenabled human remains identification initiative, a dioxin remediation initiative around the Bien Hoa Air Base area, and $25 million for remains disposal Unexploded ordnance and USAID assistance to people born with severe disabilities due to dioxin consumption in the United States.