1674744747 The government has put the Lucio law on the agenda

The government has put the “Lucio law” on the agenda of the extraordinary sessions

Lucio Dupuy was murdered at his home in La Pampa in November 2021Lucio Dupuy was murdered at his home in La Pampa in November 2021

At the start of the extraordinary meetings in National Congressthe government decided to expand the agenda of projects to be discussed, including the so-called “Lucio Law”. If adopted, the standard promotes the creation of the “Federal training plan on the rights of children and young people with a continuous, permanent and binding character”, which aims to train employees of public institutions to recognize signs of domestic violence. The initiative emerged from the case of the murdered child, in which alarm situations were later discovered unnoticed.

The extension of the agenda for the regular meetings was published in the Official Bulletin pursuant to Decree 45/2023, with the signature of the President Alberto Fernandez, and in Article 1 requests that the matter be dealt with by the Honorable Congress of the Nation. From then on, a training plan was drawn up for officers to act in situations of violence against minors.

Fernández had foreseen that he planned to “expand” the decree calling for extraordinary sessions to include this project, already approved by the Chamber of Deputies and to be converted into law by the Senate.

President Alberto Fernández requested that Lucio Law be added to the agenda of the Extraordinary Sessions / NA Photo: MAXI VERNAZZA/HCDNzzzzPresident Alberto Fernández requested that Lucio Law be added to the agenda of the Extraordinary Sessions / NA Photo: MAXI VERNAZZA/HCDNzzzz

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The project was approved by 228 votes in the November 9 session and establishes mandatory training on children’s rights and violence against girls, boys and youth for all those in public service at all levels and hierarchies, both in the executive branch , legislature and judiciary.

The ruling party’s aim is for the initiative to also be approved in the Senate, just a few days before the death sentence for the five-year-old boy in La Pampa province is announced.

Lucio Dupuy was murdered at his home in La Pampa in November 2021. His mother, Magdalena Espósito, and the woman’s partner, Abigail Páez, are on trial for the crime and are charged with “qualified murder and seriously egregious sexual abuse.”

The measure has the signature of President Alberto Fernández (REUTERS / Agustin Marcarian)The measure has the signature of President Alberto Fernández (Portal / Agustin Marcarian)

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Coroner Juan Carlos Toulouse, who examined the body, said he had never seen anything like it in his 27-year career. He discovered the boy had been sexually abused, beaten to the point of breaking a bone, bitten and burned with cigarettes. He died of internal bleeding, a product of the attacks.

Some of the basic principles of the law are to ensure respect for the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which has been incorporated into the national constitution, and the provisions of Law 26.061 on the Comprehensive Protection of the Rights of Children and Young People.

It also seeks to promote the spaces and methods needed to ensure the right of children and young people to be heard in all administrative and judicial proceedings.

On January 13th the government formalized the call for extraordinary meetings to be held between January 23rd and February 28th. Topics to be discussed include the request for a political trial of the Supreme Court, the project to expand the membership of the Supreme Court and a package of economic initiatives.

In addition, on the projects related to the judiciary, the executive has taken up an initiative to update the general budget law of the expenditures and calculations of the national administration, an action that is taking place as part of the discussion with the City of Buenos Aires for the Participation Fund. The court recently ordered restoring the percentage the Buenos Aires government had before the pandemic.

It will also discuss the appointment of Daniel Rafecas as the nation’s attorney general, an issue that has been on the agenda since the inception of the current administration.

Regarding economic projects, the new money laundering was included, that of “externalization of Argentine savings to support compliance and cancellation of debt to the International Monetary Fund”.

As planned, the bill was included to introduce amendments to the current legislation related to Preventing and Combating Money Laundering (ML), Financing of Terrorism (FT) and Financing of the Mass Proliferation of Weapons of Destruction (FP).

In addition, the reform project for more autonomy of INDEC was put on the agenda. In fact, the aim is for the executive power to appoint the director of the body with the consent of the Senate, while the technical director must be appointed through a public selection process.

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