The horrific rape of the illegal immigrant the media silence

The horrific rape of the illegal immigrant, the media silence and Truss: So today…

– to the question “Do we need changes in the lawcancellation?”, Angelo Bagnasco replies: “I expect a serious and honest cultural reflection, no slogans or preconceived positions. These do not help to think and recognize the truth of the person, which is the basis of human dignity and great values. They build a society of solidarity with everyone, starting with those who are weaker and unable to defend themselves. Translated: a club is not understood. But is it possible that even priests and bishops no longer have the courage to say right or wrong what the Magisterium clearly explains? That Abortion is not allowed. End. Point. So yes, in theory, Catholics should want the law changed. I’m not saying whether it’s right or not, I’m just thinking of the position of Catholics. It’s like asking Xi Jinping: do you think communism is absolutely evil? And he replied: “I expect a serious and honest cultural reflection”. Would that be normal for you?

– Consultation day, more or less useless. In the sense that it’s a ritual and it’s okay to celebrate, but no one can expect surprises today. Also why, when Renzi it doesn’t fit, usually everything goes smoothly according to the script

– We know for sure that everything will depend on what happens tomorrow, when the leaders of the middle right They will go to Mattarella en masse and ask that Meloni be given the mandate to form the executive branch. It’s hard to imagine surprises, but who knows. Given what has happened between argument and malice in the last few days, I would say that nothing can ever be counted on

– What the sane expected happened: that is Germany he would have sent the (Italy) longed-for petrol price cap to hell. Scholz explained the reason clearly on the sidelines of the EU Council: “There is no doubt that prices must fall,” but “a statutory cap on gas prices always carries the risk that gas producers will go elsewhere to sell and that we Europeans will no longer do so get gas, but less”. Without EU deals with Asian countries like Korea and Japan, but maybe we could add China and India, this is unlikely to happen.

scholz It also sends a message to the US, Canada and Norway. He says: “They have no interest in making energy in Europe unaffordable”. Translated: NATO countries cannot ask the EU for sanctions against Russia and then turn a deaf ear or enrich their shoulders. Right. But I add: Wasn’t it perhaps like that, thinking about this mutual solidarity?

– Meanwhile a Kyiv They let it be known that the citizens have to live with power outages of 4 or even 8 hours a day due to the difficulties with the electricity grid caused by Putin’s attacks. The winter will of course be difficult for us. But hers is approaching hell

– Zapata, Atalanta footballer, blocked by a bank’s security. “Where are you going? This is no place for them”. crazy stuff

– As far as the actor is concerned, it seems to me that the best lesson on the subject of gas is given today the Prime Minister of Norway J.Store. First: “It is not the Norwegian government that sells the gas, but the Norwegian and European companies that have been granted licenses.” Translated: If we do not use a dirigistic statistical system, this is the market and there is little to do. Second: “It is not Norway that sets the prices, nor the companies, nor the governments. The prices are the consequences of the gas shortage”. Third: “We have increased exports to the EU by 8-10%”. Read Scholz’s statements again and you’ll understand why it’s risky to ask about the price cap today: what if Norway decides to stop selling it to us?

– I am appalled by the terrible silence of many media outlets on the subject policewoman raped took place last night in Naples, not far from the police station where he works. It disgusts me to think that we created the first pages of online sites for the “alleged harassment” of the Alpini and nobody was really outraged by this violence by an illegal immigrant. The Italian consultations or the resignation of Liz Truss do not justify glossing over such a fact. It needs a certain balance

– Liz Truss resigned after just six weeks at the helm of the UK government. A sensational turning point that could even bring Boris Johnson back to Downing Street. One thing is certain: meanwhile, it is not only Italy that has crazy politics. We’re in good company

– Read through the first three lines of the piece Concita de Gregorio and then find the glue to reattach your arms (or whatever you dropped)

– The Green-Left Alliance has defined abortion as a “human right”. It seems a bit excessive to me

– I think the Pd tried to make himself beautiful by appearing next to a crowd of women Enrico Letta when he entered the Quirinale. But let me tell you: although they are not, the image of maids at the side of the great leader is formed. And it certainly doesn’t wash away the shame of a party that claims to be feminist and then doesn’t put women in the right box to get elected