The hospital purchases beds from RPA

The hospital purchases beds from RPA

The emergency services are in a critical situation. To address this crisis, the CIUSSS-MCQ has freed up 22 beds by purchasing places in private senior residences (RPA) in Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec. This move will incur a cost of $670,000 over a six-month period.

Paul Brunet, President of the Council for Patient Protection, expresses concern about the treatment of patients in hospitals, attributing this to a management bias towards beds rather than patients.

“There are people who die in the emergency room for no reason because we are not treating the patients properly. We manage beds. There is a shortage of beds and ambulances are flocking to the emergency room in large numbers, but what does it mean to send them there, they will die,” he explained

According to Richard Maziade, spokesman for the regional table of private residences for seniors, five private contracts have been awarded to the RPAs of Mauricie and Centre-du-Québec, with the ultimate goal of helping older people.

The CIUSSS-MCQ confirms that a tender will be launched to normalize this exceptional situation, even if an extension of this type of partnership is being considered. Unions welcome this urgent measure but call on the government to act quickly to address systemic health problems.

Paul Brunet from the Patient Council suggests that the role of GPs should be refocused on prevention rather than focusing on the lack of beds.

He says: “I don't understand why we've been sinking in the same mud for 20 years and hearing doctors say there's a shortage of beds… If doctors cared more about patients up front than they used to,” we would have 50% fewer hospital admissions.”

Patients transferred to RPAs are unable to return home due to their health conditions, and families cover part of the accommodation costs, following a similar principle to Accommodation and Long-Term Care Centers (CHSLDs).