The house is listed for sale with occupant in the

The house is listed for sale “with occupant in the basement” and receives an offer in the USA

An advertisement for the sale of a home in the United States city of Fairfax has been shared thousands of times on social media for barring buyers from access to the basement and claiming the property will be sold with one occupant for a long time.

“Cash offers only. No access to the ground floor view and the house cannot be sold unless the buyer certifies that the person on the ground floor remains rent free.”

On April 10, when the property was announced, sellers were asking $800,000 (equivalent to R$3.7 million) for the fivebedroom, fourbathroom home. Due to leaks and some structural issues, the display is estimated to cost about $25,000 (R$100,000) in repairs.

A team from Fox 5 broadcaster visited the site on Wednesday (13th) but no representative from the house wanted to speak to the press. Neighbors reported that the mother and daughter lived in the basement of the house, but could not say exactly what their relationship was with the owners of the property.

The agent in charge of brokering the property told the TV channel that the residence had made at least five bids, some at a higher price than the original deal.

As of this afternoon, the property was listed as “not on the market” on the listing page where it was posted. However, there is no clarity as to how much it was trading for.