The IAPA criticizes that Cuba is one of the countries

The IAPA criticizes that Cuba is one of the countries in which the repression of journalists has intensified the most

The press freedom panorama in Latin America has only worsened, with an “intensifying repression” of independent journalism and “violence” against journalists, warned Ricardo Trotti, executive director of the society (Efe on Saturday) which holds its biennial meeting from Tuesday to Thursday will.

In the last six months, the situation of press freedom
in the region “has only gotten worse”, with a number of
dominant features in recent years, such as “violence against
of the media and the murder and imprisonment of journalists”
Trotti denounced.

In those first three months of the year, 13 were murdered
Journalists in Latin America, 8 of them in Mexico, a number
alarming, which reveals the “deficiencies” of the protection systems
and security for these professionals, a topic addressed in
the Mid-Year Meeting, which will take place in virtual format.

Trotti, former editor-in-chief of the newspaper El Liberal in Argentina,
admitted to feeling “frustration and powerlessness” when he saw the
rapid setbacks in the field of press freedom and
Expression undoes the costly advances.


He particularly emphasized the “intensification of repression against
Journalism either through convictions, imprisonment or
physical violence” in the region, particularly in Nicaragua
from Venezuela and Cuba.

He pointed out that the recent country reports
presented at the IAPA meeting reflect that “we don’t talk about it
simple slaps against freedom of the press, but of attacks

This is how they exist in Nicaragua, the country that will be the focal point of the meeting
three journalists from the newspaper La Prensa sentenced to prison terms
up to 13 years in prison and the newspaper “is still occupied by the police”,

During the meeting you can hear the testimonies of the
Relatives of imprisoned and persecuted journalists
Government of Daniel Ortega, and a declaration is passed with “several”.
Starting Points to Respond to Attacks on Journalism and
human rights” in the Central American country, according to the IAPA.

In this context, Trotti referred to the “stigmatization
of the media and journalists” that can be seen in countries
like El Salvador or Mexico, and the “increasing laws that harm it
free flow of information in journalistic reporting”.

So recently the El Salvador Legislative Assembly of
official majority, approved a number of reforms of the penal code and
to the Law on the Prohibition of Bands, which in fact “forbids
in practice, the media publish on topics of violence
street or gang.

A large proportion of the reports are read out at the IAPA meeting
the “serious problem of access to public information” and
at the same time, “the lack of transparency” of the states should be mentioned
“Informing or providing access to information for journalists” further
Matters related to corruption or public health (the pandemic of
corona virus).


As for Mexico, Trotti didn’t hesitate to affirm that it is
Land in the region “most dangerous” to exercise today
journalism, with “a high rate of impunity” for crimes and a
Protection system for journalists that “doesn’t work
appropriate”, because “there is neither justice nor protection”.

He recalled that IAPA had “criticized” on several occasions
Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, his rhetoric
Stigmatization of media and journalists.

A kind of stigmatizing discourse (by López Obrador) against the
Press that “contributes to more violence against journalists
in the country,” he said.

It is a kind of verbal attack on the media
The President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, and the President of
Brazil, added Jair Bolsonaro.

Another relevant topic that will be raised at the meeting will be that
the high prison sentences in Cuba for popular protests
from 2021.

On the 20th there will be a debate on the sustainability of the funds
communication, “the crisis caused by changes in the model
Economy and the Internet”.

Among the expected attendees for this biannual gathering
include the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), Pedro Vaca, the
UNESCO representative Guilherme Canela and the Minister for
Heir of Canada, Pablo Rodríguez.

Rodríguez will speak on the corporate bill
like Google or Facebook pay the media in Canada
for the use of its content on its digital platforms.