The impossible understanding between Xi and Biden

The impossible understanding between Xi and Biden

Xi Jinping will meet Joe Biden on Wednesday. The most surprising thing about this rapprochement between China and the United States is the great desire of some American leaders to believe in the good intentions of the Xi government.

However, nothing has changed in Xi’s policy. On the contrary, he continues steadfastly to restore the Maoist path in his country, with all the consequences that this entails.

In the name of fighting corruption, Xi has removed all his rivals from power. He led the Chinese economy into troubled waters by advocating a modern version of self-sufficiency that Mao held dear. The social credit system he introduced is a sophisticated electronic surveillance and denunciation mechanism. Like Mao, he tried, with more or less success, to build a cult of personality around himself.

Rich versus poor

At the international level, like Mao, he tries to pit poor countries against rich countries (conveniently forgetting that China is now one of the rich countries). In addition, it violated the Hong Kong Treaty, increased Chinese expansionism in the China Sea, and ruthlessly suppressed the Uyghurs on its territory. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, he lied about the severity of the virus and refused to cooperate. He has increased Chinese espionage with, among other things, Huawei and surveillance balloons. He took political hostages, particularly in the legal conflict between himself and Canada.

In the Ukraine conflict, Xi is supplying Russia with non-lethal military equipment and buying Russian gas and oil at bargain prices. It would not be surprising to learn that China is assisting North Korea in producing ammunition for Russia.

In recent days, Xi has arrested Chinese financial stars who could overshadow him. On this occasion, he even forged a new, contradictory concept, namely that of “Marxist finance”.


Chinese and American leaders obviously need to talk to each other. They must also try to solve certain common international problems. However, as long as Xi and his entourage remain in power, China will move away from the era of responsible cooperation of Deng Xiaoping and his successors.

On the contrary: Xi’s politics is characterized by mistrust.

Xi’s policies do not meet Chinese expectations. The anti-Xi demonstrations last year serve as evidence. It is likely that competent Chinese leaders are waiting patiently for Xi’s departure.

China will probably consolidate its presence in the American market after the meeting between Xi and Biden. In return, Biden will want to believe in better cooperation from China in several areas, especially the environment and drug trafficking. Illusionary better collaboration.

Les eaux seront plus agitees pour le Canadien lan prochain