The Israeli ground offensive continues across the Gaza Strip with

The Israeli ground offensive continues across the Gaza Strip, with tanks in the southern Gaza Strip. The pressure of the families of the hostages News

4:31 p.m

UN, 300 dead in Gaza since hostilities resumed

According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Unocha), at least 300 people have been killed in Gaza since the end of the humanitarian pause on December 1, the Guardian reported. The United Nations humanitarian agency also reported that access to aid was completely blocked in northern Gaza. That is half the number given by the Hamas Ministry of Health at around 600 deaths.

2:29 p.m

Gaza Ministry of Health, 15,899 victims, 70% children and women

Gaza Health Ministry spokesman Ashraf Al-Qudra said the number of victims had risen to 15,899 as of October 7, 70% of whom were children and women. Al Jazeera reports on it. The spokesman for the Hamas-controlled ministry added that the Israelis had completely destroyed 56 health facilities, arrested 35 medical workers and rendered the health system in the Gaza Strip completely unusable.

1:29 p.m

Hezbollah claims three attacks involving Israeli artillery and air power

The Hezbollah Lebanese claimed responsibility for a series of attacks on Israeli army positions along the demarcation line between the two countries this morning. The Party of God’s Al Manar television channel released three statements claiming responsibility for the attacks on the Israeli bases in Misgav Amm and near Margaliot, on those in Shtula and on the disputed areas of Shebaa Farms and Kfar Shuba Hills .

Israeli artillery and air force have carried out numerous attacks in southern Lebanon on locations where Lebanese Hezbollah operates. This was reported by Lebanese media, according to which Israeli bombings were concentrated on almost the entire front line, from the Mediterranean coast to the borders with Syria. The locations hit by Israel are: Naqura, Labbune, Alma Shaab, Dhahira, Ramiya, Aita Shaab, Adaysse, Aytarun, Blida, Kfar Kila, Khiam, Blida, Kfar Hamam, Hamames, Majidiye and the Kfar Shuba Hills.

1:26 p.m

The Red Cross sounds the alarm: “The situation in Gaza is intolerable”

“The suffering” of the people of Gaza “is unbearable.” He said it the President of the Red Cross Mirjana Spoljaric that just arrived in the strip. “I reiterate – he added. At the same time, Spoljaric demanded that “the hostages be released and the Red Cross can visit them safely”.

11:48 a.m

The pressure from the families of the hostages on Prime Minister Netanyahu

The families of the Israeli hostages have asked the War Cabinet to do this “return to negotiations immediately” with Hamas. In a press conference they announced that protests would increase if the request was not approved. The aim is to gather in front of the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv from tomorrow morning and “not move on from there”. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office, which had originally scheduled a meeting with the families next Wednesday, has announced it is seeking to move the meeting forward to this evening.

Daniel Lifshitz, nephew of Yocheved Lifshitz, who was released by the Islamic faction, demanded, Israeli media reported, “an immediate return to the negotiating table without delay and at any cost.” “If you do not intend to represent us,” emphasized Lifshitz, referring to the government, “we will turn to an international body.”


Iran accuses the international community: “Nobody is stopping Israel”

The Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi criticized the international community’s “deafening silence on the Israeli genocide in Gaza” during a conversation in Tehran with his Cuban counterpart Miguel Díaz-Canel, who is on an official visit to Iran. “No international organization is trying to stop Israel’s killing machine,” Raisi said during the meeting, Mehr reports.

10:15 a.m

Erdogan attacks Netanyahu: He is a war criminal, let him stand trial

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “He should be tried as a war criminal and butcher of Gaza.” This is what the Turkish president said Recep Tayyip Erdoğanand added that Turkey “will not allow the issue of Israeli nuclear weapons to be forgotten.”

The Turkish president said the Israeli prime minister had “expansionist ideals” and said Ankara would not allow Israel to “occupy Gaza again.” At the ministerial summit of the Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul, Erdogan again attacked the West, saying that “those who are trying to ignore the deaths in Gaza.” If he remains silent and even justifies it under the pretext of Hamas, he cannot speak of humanity.”

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also said Turkey is ready to be a guarantor country in the peace talks between Israel and Palestine, Anadolu reported. “Gaza is a Palestinian territory, it belongs to the Palestinians and will always remain so,” the Turkish leader added in his speech at the Ministerial Summit of the Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation (COMCEC) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul.


According to local sources, Israeli tanks have entered the southern Gaza Strip

At its peak, Israeli tanks entered the south of the strip Khan Yunis. Local sources report this. Israeli tanks in the south of the Gaza Strip have advanced into the agricultural area east of Khan Yunis. This is what sources on site report. The armored vehicles entered the villages of Karara, Khuzaa and Abassan after the local population received an immediate evacuation order from the army two days ago.

The sources add that other armored vehicles that had previously moved towards the entrance to Khan Yunis – the southern Gaza capital – and nearby Deir el-Ballah have now withdrawn and taken up positions along Sallah-a Street have. Din artery.

Meanwhile, the Israeli army carried out an attack today Gaza City the headquarters of Hamas Supreme Court, within which other courts of various levels also operated, including an Islamic court. The images were republished on the military radio website. In the background, the official who ordered the demolition explained that it was “dedicated to the memory of all the victims of October 7th.” “We will not forget,” he added, “and we will not forgive.”

In recent weeks, the army has destroyed other government symbols in Gaza, including the parliament building and police headquarters.


Night of Israeli attacks in southern Lebanon, now relative calm

After a night of intense Israeli bombing in the south of Lebanon There is relative calm this morning, according to local media reports, with eyewitnesses and residents reporting bomb explosions in the area Bint Jbeil, near the front line between Hezbollah and Israel. Since yesterday evening and well into the night, Israeli artillery has shelled locations in southern Lebanon where Hezbollah fighters are located: Marwahin, Hbeib, Yarun, Raheb, Aita Shaab, Beit Lif, Ramiye, Rmeish, Kfar Kila. Some firebombs fired by Israel caused fires in the Tell Awada area.

Meanwhile, three Israeli soldiers were injured by a series of mortar shells from Lebanon in the Shtula area of ​​northern Israel. Shots were also fired in the Yiftah area in the north of the country, the army said. In response – the military spokesman added – Israeli artillery attacks across the border towards the source of the shots.


UNICEF: “Bombs fall every 10 minutes in the south of the Gaza Strip”

Bombs have been falling “every 10 minutes” in the south of the Gaza Strip since Israeli military operations resumed. James says so Older, spokesman for Unicef, the United Nations children’s agency, who described al-Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis as a “war zone.” The BBC reports on it.


Clashes in West Bank, 2 Palestinians killed in Qalqilya

Two Palestinians were killed in armed clashes during an Israeli army operation Qalqilya In West Bank. According to the Wafa agency, the two were shot by soldiers “in a car”. The same source also spoke of more Palestinians being injured and one being arrested. Haaretz also reported that a house was demolished.


Israel: 200 Hamas targets attacked overnight, operation continues

That night there were 200 Attacks on Hamas targets in Gaza, while the ground offensive continues throughout the strip. The army announced this and explained that, among other things, “an infrastructure” belonging to Hamas had been destroyed in Beit Hanoun in the north of the Palestinian enclave, which had been used to attack soldiers. In the school complex – the military spokesman added – the troops “found two tunnel entrances, one of which had a booby trap and other weapons.”


Contacts between Blinken and Qatar, Erdogan in Doha today

The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken In a post on X, he wrote that he had “talked to him.” Qatari Prime Minister Al Thani “Ongoing efforts to facilitate the safe return of all hostages and to further increase assistance to civilians in Gaza.”

According to Qatari media, Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdulrahman al-Thani discussed with the US Secretary of State the continuation of ceasefire and de-escalation efforts in Gaza: Al-Thani told Blinken that the resumption of fighting has complicated mediation efforts and worsened the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip . The Qatari Prime Minister expressed that Qatar condemns in all circumstances the attacks on civilians, especially women and children, as well as “collective punishment” and called for the opening of humanitarian corridors to Gaza to ensure safe passage and assistance to civilians.

Meanwhile the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will go on an official visit to Qatar today. This was announced by Turkish state television TRT, announcing that the situation in the Gaza Strip would be the main topic of talks between the Turkish leader and Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the Emir of Qatar. The talks will also focus on economic cooperation between Ankara and Doha, with the aim of increasing economic exchange between the two countries to $2.5 billion.


21-year-old hostage kidnapped at desert rave, dies in Gaza

He died in Gaza Yonatan Samerano, 21 years old, from Tel Aviv, was taken hostage by Hamas after being injured during the Nova Festival massacre in Reim on October 7th. His family has been informed, Israeli media reports. The young man had tried to escape and reached the nearby kibbutz of Reim, where another terrorist group kidnapped him.


Three more Israeli soldiers died, 401 since the start of the war

The Israeli army announced this Three more soldiers were killed yesterday In the fight against Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the military death toll has risen to 401 since the war began on October 7th.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) released a statement this morning listing the latest victims: 36-year-old Neriya Shaer from Yavne, 22-year-old Ben Zussman from Jerusalem and 19-year-old Binyamin Yehoshua Needham from Zikhron.

Quoted by local media, the IDF states that of the 401 dead soldiers, 75 were killed during the ground offensive inside the Gaza Strip, while the vast majority of the others were killed in clashes in southern Israel on the day of the Hamas attack on October 7 .


The President of the International Red Cross is expected in Gaza today

The President of the International Committee of the Red Cross (Cicr), Mirjana Spoljaric Egger, is expected to visit the Gaza Strip today. This is reported by the Jerusalem Post, citing Israeli Army Radio. According to the source, Egger is expected to appeal to Hamas to allow Red Cross representatives to monitor hostages held by the Palestinian Islamist movement.


Arab media, 4 dead in raid near Jabalia Hospital

At least four people were killed and nine injured in an attack by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) near Kamal Adwan Hospital Jabaliahin the north of the Gaza Strip: This was reported by the Arabic broadcaster Al Jazeera and the Palestinian news agency Wafa and stated that the victims also included women and children.


Al Jazeera, nine dead in Israeli raid near Rafah

An Israeli attack nearby reportedly left at least nine people dead Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip. Al Jazeera reports on it. The raid reportedly hit a residential building in the al-Tanour neighborhood. According to local sources, the destroyed palace belonged to the al-Jazzar family.

Al Jazeera also reports that the Israeli army carried out several interventions during the night West BankAt least 60 people were arrested. According to an Arab channel correspondent, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) conducted land operations in Qalqilya, Jericho, Jenin and Tulkarem.