Yoni Asher, 37, a resident of the village of Ganot Hadar in central Israel, is living one of a father and husband’s worst nightmares. His wife and two daughters, aged 3 and 5, were kidnapped during the Israeli terrorist attacks carried out by the Hamas group this Saturday (October 7). He told his story exclusively post.
The man says his wife was visiting the country at Kibbutz Nir Oz when the family was kidnapped by the group. To make the situation even more tense, Asher identified the kidnapped family in a video of the Hamas operation. His wife and daughters sat in the back of a pickup truck with other Israelis. Asher recognized the family members, you can see his wife wearing a hood and his daughters, one in pink and the other in white.
“They were kidnapped by Hamas, my daughters are only 3 and 5 years old. I lost contact with my family and then I saw a video in which I saw my wife and children being taken to Gaza and since then I have no idea what happened.” “What happened and where they are,” Asher explains.
“I’m trying to get all the information I can. I pray that they are well. I ask the entire international community to share my story and please help me get my wife and daughters back,” he says.