1709382280 The IU proposes that Sumar should be a coalition of

The IU proposes that Sumar should be a coalition of parties that respects the “autonomy” of each party | Spain

The IU proposes that Sumar should be a coalition of

Izquierda Unida advocates for Sumar to become a coalition of parties with coordination mechanisms that respect the “autonomy” of each party and do not have “asymmetries” between territories and organizations. Just over two and a half months before the assembly of Alberto Garzón's successor on May 18 and 19 and in full debate on the configuration of the space, led by Vice President Yolanda Díaz, the draft document that will define the political line of the IU devotes a section of the next four years to the proposal to build a “broad front” with the forces that make up the coalition, but also lists the “feminization” of the party and “strengthening its territorial anchoring” as one of its priorities “solidity . “organizational”. Under the title “The Left that was, is and will be,” the text presents the formation as the “most solid and reliable of the entire transformative Left,” affirms its position for the “dissolution” of NATO and is critical of future accession Ukraine to the EU. The document, approved last Monday by the current leadership, must now be presented to the associations for debate.

The IU proposal on Sumar once again places limits on Díaz's organization, pointing out that although for them the best formula for articulating the space is that of the federation of parties, any other can be valid, “except that of a political party” . Following the dissolution of Podemos last December, the party stressed that it was committed to “a common space that grows, not shrinks” and that has “greater organizational strength”. In this sense, it proposes “effective mechanisms for democratic participation, deliberation and decision-making”.

Last September, the then chairman of Izquierda Unida warned of some shortcomings in building the coalition in the first few months. “The coordination mechanisms must respect the autonomy of all components,” the text now says, which also advocates a “political process without asymmetries between the territories and the organizations,” a warning to other forces that have already placed clear restrictions on Sumar in its municipalities, such as Más Madrid or Compromís in the case of the Valencian Community, and where it is not clear whether Díaz's coalition would participate with its brand or not or what IU would do in this case. “Ensuring participation rights for organizations and people also means establishing a system in which we all know what rules we have and which must be the same for everyone. This will only be possible if the principle of “one person, one vote” comes into effect,” he emphasizes.

The debate in the Izquierda Unida also revolves around the construction of Sumar itself, which celebrates its first assembly on the 23rd of this month. The party has already expressed its rejection of the platform proposal, with only 30% of leadership seats to be filled by members of other political parties.

“Broad front”

The IU document also warns that if Sumar does not move forward in building this “broad front,” Izquierda Unida will seek to “consolidate the coalition at the state level” by “strengthening bilaterality.” The organization also defends that the coalition's common brand should not be used “against the actors” who “built the process”, i.e.

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In its analysis of the political context, the text recognizes that the space “brings with it the wear and tear of fatigue, the decline of expectations and division” and adds that “despite the coalition government saved in extremis, the conservative forces are carrying the political-cultural initiative led by its most radical factions.” “We will work to strengthen the IU, i.e. “consolidate and go deeper” into it.

“The transformation we advocate requires a state with a strong, democratic and participatory public power that intervenes to guarantee the rights of the working majority of society and, in particular, to protect the rights to provide high-quality and universal public services” , the letter also says.

The document describes the task of “feminizing the organization” as “essential.” Although there is still no formal proposal for the team that will lead IU in the coming years, the current Minister of Youth and Children, Sira Rego, who now has the highest public profile, is listed as one of the names with the most positioned votes for the office. Federal Coordinator. The party's spokesperson and number two until November has already publicly confirmed her willingness to take a step forward if the party decides to do so. Garzón left the executive branch last December, just days after leaving the Ministry of Consumer Affairs with the new administration and after leading the organization for more than seven years.

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