The joy of playing

The joy of playing

Caroline Néron doesn’t have to look far to play Céline, publisher and confident businesswoman shine in Francis Bordeleau’s film, Ana Kiri Superstar. “But unlike me, she’s very manipulative,” explains the businesswoman, who is enjoying reconnecting with her acting career.

On the set of young director Francis Bordeleau’s second feature film, Caroline Néron wore a long fur coat, boots and ultra-trendy glasses. A personal look that you might think borrowed from her character, Céline, that “glamorous” editor who will try to manipulate the young writer Ana (played by Catherine Brunet).

Two beautiful trays

“They will come for sure [les réalisateurs] They choose a color they like beforehand, explains the 49-year-old actress, who was offered the role. I didn’t know Francis Bordeleau, he called me and it clicked. This role of the editor, for whom the art is less important than the success of a project, requires a very interesting acting. It’s a role I need to delve into and that’s perfect because I love working on my characters. »

In addition to her three days of shooting for Ana Kiri Superstar, the actress also found herself on the set of Testament, Denys Arcand’s next film, which will feature an impressive cast of actors and actresses including Rémy Girard and Sophie Lorain.

A desired return

This “magic opportunity,” she explains, is thanks in large part to filmmaker Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette, who offered her the role of the depressed mother in the 2020 film The Goddess of the Burning Flies. Because before she starred in the film adaptation of Geneviève Pettersen’s novel, it had been eleven years since we had seen Caroline Néron on screen.

“I missed it,” she admits. When I let go, I really should stop. I had a kind of burnout because I had accumulated ten series and I don’t know how many films in seven years. It was too much, I was due for a break. When my company left, I would have liked to come back. »

She says her experience in The Firefly Goddess changed the course of her life.

“Anaïs not only gave me the incredible opportunity to do this film because it was exceptional as an actress, but she put me back on my ‘X’ at the same time,” she continues. Since then it has become my first passion again and I’m happy to have the chance to play beautiful roles that help me move forward. »

A boy a girl

Caroline Néron jokes that she Instagrammed Guy A. Lepage when she heard the series A guy, a girl was coming back. “It was basically, ‘Hi, I’m ready to do anything on your show,'” she laughs. She got the role of the real estate agent of the famous couple.

“I’ve felt so free and empowered – hence my slogan for my new range of body jewelry and vibrators – since bankruptcy, since I left my husband, since I’ve come down from high above! It made me feel really free. Free to do the projects that excite me without feeling any pressure from anyone. I take it upon myself completely. »

Ana Kiri Superstar

The film Ana Kiri Superstar – a Melancholia Films production – stars Catherine Brunet, as well as Charlotte Aubin, Anne-Marie Cadieux, Benoit McGinnis, Maxime de Cotret, Rosalie Bonenfant, Jade Hassouné, Fayolle Jean and Caroline Néron. It tells the story of a young rebel who, after escaping death after a failed heist, gives up crime to continue her quest for recognition as a writer. The feature film is directed and co-written by Francis Bordeleau and co-writers Valérie Chevalier and Alex James T. The film will be released in 2024.