1698340480 The jury finds the only adult accused of killing rapper

The jury finds the only adult accused of killing rapper Isaac guilty, opening the door to a permanent, reviewable prison sentence

The jury finds the only adult accused of killing rapper

On July 14, 2021, at eight o’clock in the afternoon, a trip began in the Lavapiés district of Madrid that ended fatally for an 18-year-old rapper a few streets away. Four teenagers got on three scooters and began a journey of just over an hour in which they crossed paths with Isaac López Triano and he stabbed him four times after they chased him and caught up with him in a tunnel near his home. Three minors have already been convicted of this crime and the only adult, David Bárcena, who admitted to being the perpetrator of the stabbing, was just found guilty on Thursday by a popular jury of murder and belonging to the Dominican Don’. Corridor. t Play. This verdict opens the door for him to a permanent, appealable prison sentence, as murders committed within a criminal organization can be punished with the maximum penalty under the Criminal Code.

As the investigation revealed, the victim had already been harassed by members of the convict’s group, according to a recording of the case in which Isaac López appears with a friend and insults him on a bus. The perpetrators thought Isaac belonged to the rival Trinitarios gang and was therefore a target. The defendant claimed that his group and the victim happened to cross paths that day and the attack was in response to a scream that Isaac shouted at them, causing them to lose control. The jury found the prosecution’s version, which reinforced its demand for a permanent, reviewable sentence, to be more credible. The defense has asked for a minimum sentence of 20 years for the crime of murder, with the mitigating factor of reparation for the damage due to the amount of money that accrued to the family during these years.

If the permanent reviewable prison sentence is confirmed, it would be the second time a gang crime has been punished with this sentence, after it was also imposed in Madrid in 2016 in the case of the murder of a minor. The jury evaluated WhatsApp and Instagram conversations and audio recordings between the defendant and other members of his group in which he uttered terms related to violent youth gangs. He also took into account the music videos he recorded after the crime with Dominican symbols. The verdict does not consider it proven that the defendant knew about Isaac’s disability, who had a recognized disability of 46% due to Asperger’s syndrome.

The verdict was read out in a room with tight security because there was a verbal argument between the defendant and some of the victim’s relatives on the last day. Due to the youth of the defendant and the deceased, it was a trial full of emotions. Both were 18 years old at the time of the crime and their birthdays were only a month apart. The court ordered Isaac’s mother not to wear the T-shirt with her son’s photo on it. “It couldn’t be otherwise,” said Nines, the victim’s mother, who ended the trial and hugged her lawyer, Juan Manuel Medina. The victim and defendant’s mothers even hugged each other on the first day of their meeting in provincial court. “I would like to close this chapter with dignity and acknowledge the work of Homicide VI, Cermi, my lawyer and the Samur health workers who tried to save my son’s life,” Nines said.

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