The La Nina phenomenon will continue until the end of

The La Niña phenomenon will continue until the end of this winter

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World Meteorological Organization

HAVANA, 24th December (RHC) The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) confirmed that the phenomenon of interaction between ocean and atmosphere, known as La Niña or AENOS, will last until the end of the current winter in the northern hemisphere and until summer in the southern hemisphere hemisphere will last.

If the prediction comes true, it would be the third known event since 1950 to date that the above event, characterized by large-scale cooling of the ocean waters of the central and eastern parts of the equatorial Pacific, would last for three consecutive winter seasons. .

As reported by the agency itself in its preliminary report on the state of the world’s climate in 2022, the probability that La Niña will last between this December and February 2023 is 75% and 60% that it will last until next March.

The widespread impact of the phenomenon prolonged severe drought conditions in various regions of the world, such as the so-called Horn of Africa, where more than 20 million people in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia live from severe food insecurity. . Even in some parts of Somalia there is a risk of famine in a very short time.

Drier than usual conditions were also recorded in Patagonia, South America and southwestern North America, while other areas of world geography experienced frequent above-average rainfall and notable flooding. (Source: Grandma newspaper)