The Last of Us makes Ellie’s origin its most emotional episode

After a time jump from the sixth episode The last of us returned to its usual pace to begin chapter seven almost immediately after last week’s drastic events. Joel’s critical health, being stabbed at the end of chapter 6, gave in to the series HBO a journey into Ellie’s past, and the most emotional chapter of the season returns to delve deeper into the character and examine the bond she forged with her protector.

As Left Behind begins, we find Joel and Ellie already sheltering in a wooden house, with him wounded by the knife and the girl still fighting to keep her guardian and guide alive. Despite Joel’s insistence that the girl go back north and find Tommy, Ellie doesn’t give up on Joel’s survival and the series takes the moment to go back in time and basically show us Ellie’s origin story.

At a FEDRA training center, Ellie is portrayed as a young woman full of potential, but who repeatedly finds herself in conflict with other young women and is imprisoned several times. At the beginning of the flashback, she gets into trouble with a bully and has a falling out with the authorities. Even at this early stage, we understand that Riley, her best friend, has been missing for some time and Ellie does not know her whereabouts.

Until the missing person decides to show up in the middle of the night, startling Ellie (and the viewer) and revealing that she’s been at a firefly camp for the past three weeks. A discord is uncovered and we find that Ellie is not so bothered by FEDRA’s authority, questioning her best friend’s orders and asking why she chose to ally with “the terrorists”. Riley convinces Ellie to sneak out of the dorm and spend the night with her, and although she’ll soon have to wake up — for “firefly training,” she insists — our protagonist decides to go with her friend.

They run around town together, jumping over buildings and debating politics and propaganda on both sides of the apocalyptic story as Ellie bows to FEDRA’s authority while Riley is convinced to join the wannabe guerrillas. On the way to the final destination, the two come across a dead body, and we learn from Riley that her parents were the first dead bodies she has ever seen. She later reveals how she joined the Fireflies, going so far as to name Marlene, who recruited her.

Arrive at a mall, all lit up place that’s packed Haha creates a whole Stranger Things atmosphere for The Last of Us Riley reveals a desire to present Ellie with “Five Wonders”: a carousel, a photo booth, an arcade where they play Mortal Kombat II, the second volume of the book by puns so loved by Ellie and finally a Halloween shop. The two stroll through the attractions, gradually turning out to be best friends, but an expressive look from Ellie finally reveals that she harbors romantic feelings for her friend. Meanwhile, The Last of Us also ominously cuts to show the rest of the mall in silence and an infected waking up to the sounds of Ellie and Riley. danger is near.

Between distractions and conflict, Ellie confronts Riley when she finds bombs near where her friend has settled, and Riley opens up to her friend: all of this is a form of goodbye because she is not allowed to return to the quarantine zone. After a brief breakup because Ellie refuses to accept Riley’s decision, the two sit together and hold hands. In the final miracle, they reconcile and understand each other, dancing to the tunes of “I Got You, Babe.”

The Last of Us then gives the Bella Ramsey another chance to shine (which the actress has been doing all season, by the way) and Ellie stares Riley in the face and works up the courage to steal a kiss from her friend. The quick, awkward kiss is followed by an apology, but Riley seems to return the feelings. In that brief moment, the two smile, and The Last of Us keeps Ellie happy for a few seconds, until the infected enters the store. After an intense fight, the two are bitten and sit down together to face their fate.

The entire seventh episode served as a foundation to build Joel’s importance to Ellie, a girl who lost her last moment of happiness and her last partner too quickly. So, by returning to our present day and showing Ellie desperately trying to save Joel, we understand the importance of her caregiver’s survival. The episode ends with Ellie finding a sewing needle and thread and Joel tossing and turning as she tends to his wound.

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