The Last Of Us star Storm Reid offers advice to

‘The Last Of Us’ star Storm Reid offers advice to homophobic fans: ‘I need you to get your priorities straight’

Storm Reid in The Last of Us

Liane Hentscher/HBO

Storm Reid weighs some backlash The Last of Us has faced following the airing of the episode, which focuses on the love story of Nick Offerman’s Bill and Murray Bartlett’s Frank.

“Like Bella said when episode 3 came out, if you don’t like it, don’t watch it,” Reid said in an interview with Entertainment Weekly. “We tell important stories. We tell stories of people’s experiences, and that’s what I live for. That’s what good storytelling is, because we tell stories of people taking a place in the world.”

Reid was referring to an interview her co-star Bella Ramsey gave to Britain’s GQ in which she spoke about the backlash.

“I know people will think what they want to think. But they will have to get used to it. If you don’t want to watch the show because it has gay storylines, because it has a trans character, that’s on you, and you’re missing out,” Ramsey told the publication.

Reid plays Riley on the HBO drama series, a love interest on Ramsey’s Ellie. Since Episode 7 focused on their relationship, Reid had some words for the haters.

“It’s 2023. If you’re worried about who I love, you need to get your priorities right,” she said. “There are so many other things in life to worry about. Why are you concerned that these young people—or anyone else—love each other? Love is beautiful and the fact that people have anything to say about it is just nonsense.”