Surprisingly, HBO released the first teaser of The Last of Us TV series, we talked about it in the section of the site dedicated to the TV series, but on this occasion we go even further, offers you the teaser in a subtitled and dubbed version in Italian.
In the teaser you can take a look at the show with the protagonists Pedro Pascal (Joel) and Bella Ramsey (Ellie) with a focus on settings, characters and enemies. We don’t want to spoil the surprise for you and we leave it to you to watch the video, but we advise you to keep your ears open during the last seconds of the clip in order not to miss a “monstrous” surprise …
The Last of Us is scheduled for release in 2023, but initially there was talk of a debut set for the fall of this year The series won’t debut until next yearthe launch window has yet to be defined and therefore at the moment there is no exact date for the debut of the Naughty Dog game television show.
There has been talk of a hypothetical cancellation for The Last of Us for the past few months, but those rumors were immediately denied. We remind you of that too The Last of Us Part 1 will be released on September 2nd for PlayStation 5 (and later for PC)Remake of the first game in the series, released in a remastered version in 2013 on PlayStation 3 and the following year on PS4.