The latest theory about the vertical plane crash in China

The latest theory about the vertical plane crash in China Adventures in History

The allegedly deliberate incident resulted in the deaths of 132 people.

In March this year, security camera footage showed the tragic demise of the Boeing 737800 en route for China Eastern Airlines. The large jet was conducting a highaltitude commercial flight, but disappeared from Chinese radars and the record showed an abrupt fall to a vertical position, slamming into the ground.

The startling scene not only prompted a meticulous investigation, but also halted flights of other Boeings of the same model within Chinese territory for a few weeks.

The panic was consistent with a recent find revealed to The Wall Street Journal by a source present at the investigation into the fall.

The source pointed out to the American vehicle that data from a black box recovered from the ground, where the debris was scattered, indicated in an initial analysis that the fall would have been caused intentionally by one of the people driving the plane, which raised doubts about the motivation and thus fact would be achieved.

technical explanation

The black box is often used as a kind of memory card on an airplane, storing both audio data from the sound of the pilot’s headphones in contact with other airplanes and control towers, as well as recording the commands made on the onboard computer.

Made of resistant materials, it is usually preserved even in the event of violent collisions, in order to collect information during investigations. In this case, the command sequence registers the input of data that led to an abrupt crash of the fall, first in a spiral, and which at the end of the descent caused the plane to crash into mountains.

However, the investigation not only evaluates the hypothesis that it was a pilot suicide operation, but also considers the possibility that a passenger or crew could have entered the cabin and intentionally shot down the plane, resulting in 132 deaths, such as reported by G1 portal.

no precipitation

Lito Sousaa former aircraft mechanic and known for the broadcaster Aviões e Músicas, commented on the case in an extraordinary live last Wednesday, 18, after analyzing the data recently published on the incident, clarifying that the act has been confirmed intended will the The search for the deed is far from over.

In the video, he explained that despite the findings guiding the investigation as a result of the black box discovery, no hasty conclusions should be drawn before the investigation is complete, which is subject to change at any time with the release of the officer’s investigation report.

Any speculation can affect the investigation into the accident and consequently the actual progress of what the airline industry is looking for if the airline industry is looking into an accident even if it was done intentionally, which would be suicide,” he said. litho.