The Latin American country with the largest silver reserves in

The Latin American country with the largest silver reserves in the world: surpasses the USA and China

According to the latest US Geological Survey (USGS) survey released on January 31, 2022, the country is with the largest silver reserve is in the world Peru. Accordingly Ministry of Energy and MinesThis Latin American country has about 98,000 tons of this metal, representing 22.6% of global supplies. It is used to make jewelry, medicine and coins. It is also used in electronics or photography.

However, Peru is distinguished not only by its large silver reserves, which exceed those of other countries Australia, China and the United Statesbut it is also the second largest in its production Latin America and third largest in the world.

The Latin American country with the largest silver reserves inThe most important silver mines in Peru are in Pasco, Áncash and Junín. Photo: Andina

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Peru: the country with the largest silver reserves in the world

Aside from being the country with the largest silver reserves in the world, Peru It is the second largest producing country of this metal. In fact, it trails only Mexico (23%) but beats others like Chile (7%) and Argentina (3%). This means that Latin America accounts for 39% of the world's reserves of this material.

In terms of location, it is the Áncash and Junín regions that account for 52% of the country's total population.

1708023625 106 The Latin American country with the largest silver reserves inMining in Peru focuses on the extraction of silver, copper and zinc. Photo: Andina

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However, mining in Peru is not only focused on silver, but also has an important share in the gold (4.6%), lead (7.1%) and zinc (12.5%) sectors.

“This metal wealth is due to the presence of the Andes Mountains in most of the national territory, which hosts many minerals of significant value and hosts our largest globally recognized mining geological potential,” said Marcos Villegas, general director of MEM Mining, in 2016.

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The countries with the largest silver reserves

  • Peru (98,000 tons)
  • Australia (92,000 tons)
  • China (71,000 tons)
  • Poland (65,000 tons).

1708023627 460 The Latin American country with the largest silver reserves inWhen it comes to silver reserves, Peru surpasses countries such as Russia, China and the United States. Photo: USGS

Which regions of Peru have the largest silver reserves?

Accordingly Mining Statistics Bulletin del Minem, silver is produced in the following regions in Peru:

  • Pasco
  • Áncash – Uchucchacua mine.
  • Junin
  • lime
  • Ica
  • Ayacucho
  • Huancavelica
  • Cusco
  • Arequipa
  • Tacna
  • Moquegua
  • Huanuco
  • Apurimac
  • Cajamarca
  • Freedom
  • Puno – San Rafael mine.

Of all, higher productivity is recorded in Pasco, Ancash and Junín, since together they account for more than 50% nationally. In this sense, the former Minister of Energy and Mines, Oscar Vera, pointed out in statements to the Andina Agency: “15.1% of Peru's territory is subject to a mining concession and that is little for what is considered geological potential . Considering that there is another 42.8% of the national territory that could receive concessions after processing,” he noted.