1689243748 The Legacy of the Barcelona City Councils from the two

The Legacy of the Barcelona City Councils: from the two floors of the Mayor Collboni to the six houses of the Vox leader

Councilors BarcelonaThe 41 councilors of the plenary session of the Barcelona City Council, ​​on the day of the inauguration of Mayor Jaume Collboni (front row, center), on June 17th. Albert Garcia

The financial statements of Barcelona’s new municipal body have already been published and reflect the very different reality among the 41 members of the municipal plenum. According to the statements of the interested parties themselves, different realities stand out, such as those who indicate that they have neither a car nor a house, like former mayor Ada Colau, or those who indicate houses in Baqueira and Menorca, like former mayor Xavier triassic Among the municipal leaders with the most real estate, Vox CEO Gonzalo de Oro Pulido stands out, citing five stories, a townhouse, two rustic farms, shares in four companies, and nine accounts, pension plans, or loans. The city’s new mayor, the socialist Jaume Collboni, owns two apartments (from which he still owes just over 300,000 euros), a car, a motorcycle, an electric bicycle and has 10,000 euros at his disposal. Colau has the same amount in three accounts.

Trias has a title at Prat Golf Club, another at Barcelona Tennis and an Audi A3. The head of Vox in the Oro Pulido Consistory owns real estate, a car, a motorcycle and shares in four companies (a financial consulting company and three hospitality companies). His partner in the municipal group, Liberto Senderos Oliva, reports two floors, a house, two plots of land (all shared ownership), a motorbike, a car, shares in a company and an average balance of 7,000 euros.

Looking at the statements made by the group leaders, Republican Ernest Maragall explains two houses in Barcelona and Sant Vicenç de Montalt (both at 50% and with no debt) and accounts and pension plans (partly shared) that add up to an average balance that borders 100,000 euros. In the PP, its Consistory President, Daniel Sirera, declares six houses: four in Barcelona (three in usufruct), one in Lloret de Mar and one in Valencia. Sirera has a sizeable fleet of vehicles: one car and one motorcycle, both from the relatively recent BMW brand. And others with more tradition: an Impala motorcycle, a Vespa and a Seat 1430. On the other hand, neither shares nor money are declared on accounts. PSC Councilwoman Rosa Alarcón declares a Vespino.

As for second homes, Jordi Martí (Comuns) has one in La Garrotxa (Girona), Albert Batlle (PSC) has one in Sort (Lleida). And in the average of funds in bank accounts, the case of councilor Guille López, former spokesman for civic platform Eixample Respira, who owns shares in three companies and an average balance in six accounts or 50% ownership of 527,000 euros, stands out.

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