The little dog defecates in her mouth while she sleeps

The little dog defecates in her mouth while she sleeps and is taken to the hospital

A Woman was hospitalized for three days in the hospital after his pooch has she defecation in the face while sleeping. Amanda Gommo, 51, was taking a nap when her chihuahua, Belle, fell ill and developed a bout of diarrhea on her face.

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The woman said that, as is often the case, she was sleeping with the dog when she felt something warm on her face: “It was disgusting, I immediately pushed her away, I tried to wash but I could smell this bad taste didn’t get out of my mouth.” The woman’s daughter took Belle to the vet and found that she had intestinal parasites that were causing her ailments.

Shortly thereafter, like her dog, Amanda also felt ill and alerted the doctor. She was prescribed three painkillers for her stomach cramps and told to drink plenty of water, but the situation did not improve and the woman continued to deteriorate over the next two days until she was urgently hospitalized for severe dehydration.

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“I was held in the hospital for three days until they cleared the infection with antibiotics in a mucus and rehydrated me,” the 51-year-old explained. “I’ve forgiven Belle for her little accident and I still love her with all my heart, but I’ll certainly be more careful about where we sleep in the future,” he concluded.

Last updated: Tuesday 27 September 2022 15:25