The looming oil crisis has led energy watchers to beg

The looming oil crisis has led energy watchers to beg people to travel less

With gas prices painfully high, the international agency set up to secure the world’s oil reserves is issuing a new plea: Drive less to avoid a deeper energy crisis. This was the key takeaway from the 10-point plan released by the International Energy Agency (IEA) today as the world approaches peak oil demand season.

“As a result of Russia’s heinous aggression against Ukraine, the world may well be facing the biggest oil supply shock in decades, with huge implications for our economy and society,” IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol said in a press release. “We can also take action upon request to avoid the risk of a major oil crisis.”

“The world may well be facing the biggest oil supply shock in a decade”

If advanced economies, which account for almost half of global oil demand, can cut their oil habit, The agency says they could cut demand by 2.7 million bpd over four months. It would be like erasing the demand for oil from all cars in China, according to the IEA.

Some of the solutions that cut gas demand as much as possible, according to the IEA, are surprisingly simple. To start the carpool. Of course, you can use public transport instead, either on foot or by bike. The IEA is asking public transport operators to reduce fares to encourage more people to take buses and trains.

The IEA also suggests working from home several times a week to avoid commuting. Perhaps the biggest move he proposes is to declare “car-free Sundays” to cities. At the bottom of the list is a proposal to “Increase Adoption” of electric and more efficient vehicles – electric cars can’t save consumers from price spikes anyway.

If you really need to take your old gas guzzler somewhere, the IEA suggests you take other steps to improve your fuel efficiency – like turning your air conditioner on a lower setting and monitoring your car’s tire pressure. Don’t drive so fast; The IEA recommends lowering speed limits. And, of course, cars are not the only vehicles that can be used. Oil – When it comes to flying, the IEA recommends using train or other modes of transport instead.

Although these measures were prompted by the immediate military crisis, in the long run it is worth getting used to these changes. After all, dependence on oil exacerbates other crises. “Reducing the use of oil should not remain a temporary measure,” the IEA said today. “Continuous cuts are important not only to improve the energy security of countries, but also to combat climate change and reduce air pollution.”