The love horoscope for each zodiac sign for Sunday April

The love horoscope for each zodiac sign for Sunday April 24th, 2022

For Sunday love horoscope by zodiac sign, resident astrologer Aria Gmitter shares on April 24, 2022 how current astrological events are affecting you.

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Read on what the love horoscope has in store for your zodiac sign on Sunday April 24th, 2022.



Are you ready to take things to the next level? You are at a tipping point, Aries, and when it comes to putting your heart on the line, you may be inclined to withdraw out of fear.

There are certain risks you no longer want or need to take when it comes to romance, and right now you’re most comfortable with self-preservation.

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A heart wound from the past can resurface today.

You may feel the pain of loss like it was just yesterday, and for this moment, Taurus, it’s important to honor it and know that healing is a process and not something you can rush.

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Friends can only be there for you so much, and if you feel like venting your thoughts, realize that everyone has a limit, even if they genuinely care.

Some moments are made for you to cherish or mourn because in the stillness you learn to reflect and become a more resilient and aware person.

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Cancer, ego has a tendency to get in the way of what you need to be in a relationship. You will regret it if you insist on having your way and being the first.

Happiness is learning to let someone else take control and watch them show you the kind of respect you were afraid you wouldn’t get.

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Leo, trusting the universe to protect you has let you down and let you down.

After heartbreak you turned away from your faith and your heart grew cold. But today fate brings you back and you get a glimmer of hope.

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Virgo, generous giving has left you feeling empty-handed and taken advantage of. So when it comes to openly giving yourself to someone in the same way, it just makes you feel vulnerable and maybe even confused.

Today you gain a renewed sense of trust and respect for the give and take process because someone else seems to be taking the risk for you rather than making you do all the work.

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Libra Losing yourself in a relationship can make you not recognize yourself lately.

So when it’s time to regain parts of yourself that you lost to someone else, seize the opportunity. Be yourself, and the rest will fall into place beautifully.

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Scorpio, your heart is aching right now because you’ve loved and lost and loved only to lose again.

This time you see that things are the way they are, and while walking away isn’t easy, you do. And you do so knowing that you gave everything you had to give and you are so proud of that.

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Sagittarius, your love language and the things you need to express yourself freely as if your love life is where it’s supposed to be.

There are risks to take in love, say, but if you do it with open arms it won’t feel so scary. Instead, it will feel liberating to you.

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Capricorn, family can be the cushion you need during a difficult time, but there are times when you feel the need to protect yourself from your loved ones.

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Today you take a big bold step to do what is best for you. And when it comes time to proclaim your independence with heart and soul, it will feel so good on the inside.

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Aquarius, there are conversations you need to have today and some of them are tough, complicated and not easy to have.

But instead of shoving feelings under the rug and ignoring that they exist, show your brave face. You have the right to say what you feel and be heard.

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Pisces, it’s one thing to invest in someone, but that’s the way it is. important to give yourself.

It’s your turn today, so don’t hesitate to do it if you have the opportunity to be there for yourself the way you always are there for others. It’s time and far overdue.

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Aria Gmitter, MS, MFA, is YourTango’s Senior Editor for Horoscopes and Spirituality. She studies at the Midwestern School of Astrology and is a member of the South Florida Astrological Association.

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