In the coming year, holding back on size is truly a thing of the past.
In astrology, twelve houses make up the zodiac.
Each house rules over a specific aspect of your life, be it love, money or communication.
But when it comes to luck, it’s all about the 9th house in astrology.
This year, each zodiac sign in their 9th house will experience important planetary aspects, creating the year 2023, which should be called the year of good luck.
The ninth house in astrology is not made up of four leaf clovers and pennies. You’ll find heads on the floor above.
Instead, it rules over travel, learning, adventure, and the new experiences that come from living wide-open.
Jupiter, the planet that rules luck, will be in both Aries and Taurus this year.
In Aries, it helps you move forward, make a clean break from the past, and find hope and optimism that things can get better.
In Taurus, the Midas touch becomes the norm.
The Midas touch is a term that refers to King Midas in Greek mythology because everything he touched turned to gold.
Jupiter in Taurus brings great prosperity and helps you understand that the more you care about what you value, the more the universe will take care of you.
It helps you understand the greater meaning and spirituality. They embrace the future at all costs. You also remain confident in what you honestly believe in and are passionate about.
In this context, it becomes clear that happiness will never exist in your most comfortable space.
You have to make an effort to say yes, even if it seems scary.
To walk the path you haven’t tried yet and to be open to life, whatever it is.
Because happiness is always there, you’ll have to step out of your comfort zone to get it this year.
Here is the happiest day of the year for each zodiac sign in astrology:
(March 21 – April 19)
Happiest Day: 3rd of June
Sagittarius rules your 9th house, which is all about luck. As an Aries, the full moon in Sagittarius will mark a turning point in the expansion for your life. Whether you take a trip or finally say yes to this great opportunity, life is about to get that much more amazing.
(April 20 – May 20)
Happiest Day: June 11th
This is the last year Pluto will be in Capricorn in your lifetime, which means some big issues will be completed. As Pluto enters Capricorn retrograde, this is your big chance to make sure you don’t let anything pass you by. You learn to trust that the work you’ve already done on yourself has paid off.
(May 21 – June 20)
Happiest Day: 21th January
The new moon in Aquarius at the beginning of the month is a moment of success for you. Use this to set an intention for what you want to create and experience in the year ahead. Saturn in Pisces will activate your career sector this year, so think big.
(June 21 – July 22)
Happiest Day: 7th March
Saturn is a planet you don’t always want in certain aspects of your life, but in Pisces you will feel where you need to be. Saturn in Pisces activates your 9th house of luck, learning, travel and adventure; Take advantage of every opportunity this year.
(July 23 – August 22)
Happiest Day: 20th of April
Aries energy always rules the happiest part of your life so expect tremendous things as this year’s eclipse takes place here. It can be about a new business or a path that opens up in life. Solar eclipses can bring surprising events, but this time they will all be positive.
(23 August – 22 September)
Happiest Day: 28th of October
You are so focused on the outside world that sometimes you miss it when something inside you falls into place. As the lunar eclipse in Taurus takes place in your 9th house, it brings stability to your biggest dreams and ensures you honor your important feelings about what matters most.
(September 23 – October 22)
happiest day: January 12
Mars is the planet of action and ambition; At the beginning of the year things are finally spinning right in your lucky sector. Mars turned retrograde last fall and will remain in Gemini through the end of March with all planets direct. Don’t miss this moment; Make an effort for what you want to create.
(October 23 – November 21)
Happiest Day: 17th July
The mid-year New Moon in Cancer will represent a time for you to sow the seeds of what you have learned is the most important thing in your life. This should include more travel, adventure, and saying yes to opportunities that take you out of your comfort zone.
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(November 22 – December 21)
Happiest Day: May 20th
You are the eternal wanderer, always searching those distant horizons for new adventures. As Mars enters Leo this year and illuminates your 9th house, you will experience a time of incredible movement and opportunity in your life. Don’t let anyone talk you out of what you want most.
(December 22 – January 19)
happiest day: 10th of July
When it comes to trading, you usually slow down. However, when Mars enters, Virgo highlights all aspects of happiness in your life that are about to change. Mars represents action and ambition, and in Virgo helps you strive for what you really want, not just what you think you can get.
(January 20 – February 18)
Happiest Day: October 14th
The largest solar eclipse of the year occurred with a ring of fire of the new moon eclipse. This is a total eclipse of the sun and will take place in the sign of Libra, which rules all forms of happiness. The eclipse will bring some surprising events or opportunities. Still, it’s about helping you achieve each and every one of your dreams.
(February 19 – March 20)
Happiest Day: 5th of May
The lunar eclipse in Scorpio in May will help you open up happy ventures and experiences. Lunar eclipses represent times of new emotional understanding that will change the actions you take in your life. Make sure you believe in yourself fully and there is nothing you will not achieve.
Kate Rose is an author, spiritual astrologer, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. You can find more of her work on her website.