1698237904 The Madrid Prosecutors Office will investigate the city council over

The Madrid Prosecutor’s Office will investigate the city council over the construction of a second cantonment in Vicálvaro

The Madrid Prosecutors Office will investigate the city council over

The Environmental Department of the Madrid Provincial Prosecutor’s Office has opened an investigation against the Madrid City Council for the construction of a second cleaning canton in the Vicálvaro district. A group of neighbors had filed a complaint with the provincial prosecutor’s office on September 15, demanding that work being carried out in an area adjacent to the district’s forest park be stopped because of a “possible environmental crime.”

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Vicálvaro residents made a statement celebrating the decision and are awaiting the results of the investigation. They recall that they asked the public prosecutor’s office to measure the environmental impact of the project before proceeding with the work. Shortly after the complaint was filed, neighborhood representatives met via video call with city planning delegate Borja Carabante, who allegedly told them that “according to the cantons’ tender documents, the preparation of an environmental impact report is not required.” “.

In a press conference at Parque Norte Carmen Tagle this Wednesday, Carabante said that “the residents of Vicálvaro have the right to turn to the bodies they deem appropriate to try to defend the interests that they consider be violated,” he added, however, who trusts that the selection of the property was made in accordance with the law. “We have the full guarantee that it will be carried out in accordance with urban planning and therefore in accordance with the legislation and the administrative procedure,” concluded Carabante, emphasizing that “the neighbors and the left have turned to the prosecutor’s office” three times about Cantonal Affairs” and the lawsuits “were filed three times.”

The urban planning delegate has also argued that the Ombudsman, Ángel Gabilondo, “has expressed the need to immediately implement these cantons in the locations selected by the Madrid City Council.” He also said it last Monday during the Urban Planning Commission, when he was told by councilors of the PSOE , Más Madrid and Vox asked about the cantonal projects in Vicálvaro and Montecarmelo. Carabante refers to the answer that the defense attorney gave at the end of August to the La Nueva Elipa neighborhood association, which also protested against a cantonal project.

The defense attorney assured in this specific case that the City Council had justified the choice of the land and its adaptation and that “the general interest in the provision of the service must prevail over the possible special interests underlying the decision to place the land . “Containers could have an impact.” However, in recent weeks the residents of Vicálvaro and Montecarmelo have sent new letters to the defender asking for his support. So far they have not responded to their specific cases.

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The auxiliary canton of Vicálvaro is one of the 16 facilities planned as part of the contract to clean public spaces worth almost 1.7 billion euros awarded at the end of 2021. There are two projects in this district in the south of Madrid. One of 6,000 square meters located at 51 Las Santeras Street, in an industrial area, and the work is already advanced. Another outbuilding with an area of ​​1,300 square meters is located on Juan Abad Catalán Street. The neighbors agree with the first; The latter, however, due to the impact on the forest park – five trees were removed – and due to the proximity to residential areas.

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