The meeting between Joe Biden and Xi Jinping was captured

The meeting between Joe Biden and Xi Jinping was captured by the media week in the USA

All media outlets had high expectations of the talks between the leaders of the United States and China about 50 kilometers from the Californian city, which journalists and analysts agreed helped ease bilateral tensions, at least for now.

Both Biden and Xi expressed that it was a productive exchange, and the Asian giant’s president in particular said that both countries needed to “manage differences of opinion together and effectively.”

In addition, Xi reiterated the importance of “both sides recognizing the respective principles and red lines and refraining from changing their positions, provoking and overstepping boundaries.”

The reports also focused on Biden’s dialogue with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in which they touched on immigration issues and the fight against drugs, particularly fentanyl, the latter a topic also on the Democrat’s agenda with his Chinese couple.

The APEC summit (a forum founded in 1989 that brings together 21 Asia-Pacific economies) met in the California city during the week, although the leaders’ summit took place between Thursday and Friday.

The theme of the meeting was “Creating a resilient and sustainable future for all”. In the final declaration, the leaders reaffirmed their “determination to create a free, open, fair, non-discriminatory, transparent, inclusive and predictable business and investment environment.”

They also reaffirmed “the importance of the rules-based multilateral trading system, with the World Trade Organization at its core, as it continues to drive the extraordinary growth of our region.”

This area of ​​the planet, as Biden explained at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco, represents more than 60 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) and almost half of world trade.

The Asia-Pacific region is expected to be the largest contributor to global growth over the next 30 years, the White House chief said.

That’s why the vision we have for our region’s economic future will reach far beyond the Asia-Pacific, and the decisions we make will matter for the entire world (that’s no exaggeration), Biden said.

In the informative week, they also highlighted the approval in both houses of Congress of a preliminary bill to maintain funding for the federal government through early 2024, which the President signed, preventing the damaging and feared shutdown or shutdown.
