The Ministry of Transport very very very secret on the

The Ministry of Transport “very, very, very secret” on the third link –

Quebec City has not received details of the third connection from the CAQ in four years, and the Ministry of Transportation has remained “very, very, very secret” about the Interrives megaproject. For Bruno Marchand, this is a sign that the project was not yet advanced enough.

• Also read: Lehouillier suggests forming a “common front” with Marchand for the tram and the third connection

“We have not had any contact with the Ministry of Transport regarding the third connection,” said the director of the Quebec City Department of Transport and Smart Mobility, Marc Des Rivières, who has worked for the city for more than 30 years.

Mr Des Rivières was questioned by opposition leader Claude Villeneuve, who asked him about the status of talks with the Legault government on the redevelopment of the eastern sector. The city wants to see it as an urban boulevard.

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“On the city side, we weren’t challenged at all. And I would tell you that this is probably the only project in my ministry career where the ministry remained very, very, very secret throughout the entire process. “In the last four years there has been almost no exchange of information,” argued Marc Des Rivières.

For Quebec Mayor Bruno Marchand, it's a sign that the Third Link project is still in its infancy. “I don't think the project has progressed far enough. That is my understanding.” Now he is demanding that the city take part in the discussion. “It doesn’t work without the city. It is an essential requirement. The next steps, whether tunnel, bridge, tram, we cannot do without the city, just as we cannot do without the city of Lévis.”

Mandate of CDPQ Infra

What the city knew at most was that the third connection “could” be examined at the same time as the transportation was being structured, under the mandate given by the CAQ to the Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) Infra. of Quebec, said Mr. Des Rivières.

Over time, there was “only one meeting” where the discussions remained very general, the director continued. “It's really something that was kept at the Ministry and I don't have any information.”

These comments confirm data obtained from a 2021 access to information request by Le Journal showing that the CAQ government has not sent any written document regarding the Quebec-Lévis Tunnel to the city of Quebec since coming to power .


Opponents also say the project lacks precision. “It is certain that this makes us question the seriousness of the government, which said it wanted to move forward with this infrastructure project,” said the leader of the official opposition, Claude Villeneuve, who spoke of “erratic behavior” by the CAQ Quebec files.

For Limoilou city councilor Jackie Smith, “it is once again proof that there is no project on the table.” Despite all the rhetoric, despite all the promises, there is no plan for a third link because it is a project that makes no sense.”

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