1665246535 The Miracle of Renewable Energy You may not have noticed

The Miracle of Renewable Energy: You may not have noticed, but everything has changed

As is well known, miracles are not that common and if you have them major health problems, a dip in the Lourdes swimming pool is unlikely to solve them. However, sometimes that is true Things change fast and opens up new possibilities. That’s what happens with renewable energy. To speak of a “miracle” is a bit much, I know, but recent technological developments have given us a tool that we could not even have dreamed of until a few years ago. And that could solve certain problems that once seemed unsolvable.

I’ve been walking around for years holding conferences on climate change and other upcoming problems, such as B. Lack of oil. Usually those who came to listen were people prepared for a not-so-reassuring message, but the problem was what to do about it. At the end of the conference, a debate ensued in which they said to each other always the same things: Riding a bike, turning down the thermostat in the house, putting double glazing on the windows, low consumption lightbulbs, stuff like that.

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It was a comforting little ritual, but in reality everyone knew these weren’t real solutions. Not that they’re useless, but they are sprinkle with green on a system that continues to rely on fossil fuels to function. So we’ve been talking about double glazing and bikes for at least twenty years, but CO2 emissions continue to rise as before, but faster. If we don’t get to the heart of the problem, then that is a eliminate fossils, we’re not getting anywhere. But how does it work? Until a few years ago, there seemed to be no way out but to hoe the fields again as in the Middle Ages.

But today things have changed radically. You probably didn’t notice because you were involved in the election debate. But whether the right or the left wins, little changes: the real change comes with renewable technologies. The wind and photovoltaic systems have been optimized and size factors have resulted in massive savings in production costs. Today, a kilowatt-hour produced by a photovoltaic panel costs perhaps a factor of ten less than the kilowatt-hour of natural gas (and even one-fifth of the kilowatt-hour of nuclear power). We used to call renewable energy “alternative”, but now we do all others that are “alternatives”..

In addition, generating energy from renewable plants is environmentally friendly, requires no non-recyclable materials, produces no greenhouse gases, is not penalized and Nobody can bomb the sun to let us lose energy. Now don’t let me say that Renewable energies automatically solved all problems. It is true that today they are cheap, but it is also true that they are not free. And then, it needs investment adapt nationwide energy infrastructures, create energy storage systems and much more. These are not things that can be done in a month or even a few years. We’re talking at least a decade to get to an energy system based primarily on renewable energy.

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But that’s also true Every journey starts with the first step. And now we see a road in front of us. A path that will lead us to a cleaner, more prosperous and hopefully less violent world. I haven’t stopped giving talks, but now I can suggest a few real solutions. And I’m not the only one who noticed the change. In the debate today, we feel the excitement of being able to do something concrete. Many people ask if they can install photovoltaic modules at their home. Others say they have already done so. Some are angry blacks (rightly so) about the red tape preventing them from installing on their roof or in their yard. This can also be seen in discussions on social media.

There is always someone speaking out against renewable energy, arguing like medieval flagellants running around shouting:Remember you must die“. But there are also those who answer him in rhyme, like: “So go and live happily in your cave with the other cavemen.” (or also, like Massimo Troisi, “Now I sign it”). If you one to have south balcony (and if your municipality doesn’t put a spanner in the works), you can already install some Photovoltaic modules hanging on the railing which will help you reduce your electricity bill. Little by little we will succeed!