1698205111 The most basic measures to have soft and fragrant towels

The most basic measures to have soft and fragrant towels after washing Gioia News

How to always get soft and fragrant towels after washing? With these tricks it becomes very easy!

Housewives from all over the world interact on thematic social sites every day, looking for solutions to make completing domestic tasks smarter and faster. One of the things that requires the most care and attention is drying towels. Precisely because of their special material and because they have to be washed at high temperatures for hygienic reasons, they often have wrinkles. But how do you ensure your laundry is always soft and fragrant?

Caring for these items is important not only during the washing phase but also during the drying phase. In order to always have fresh and clean laundry, the towels must remain dry after each use. Their purpose is precisely to absorb water from the hands and for this reason they remain moist, but not placing them perfectly on the towel rail prevents them from drying evenly, favoring the development of bacteria and mold that damage the fabric can.

With these tricks, your towels will always stay soft and wrinkle-free

The second trick to get soft and fragrant towels is to put a scented sachet in the wardrobe where the linen is stored. It’s a simple and effective solution that will leave you with wonderfully fresh and clean clothes.

towels With these tricks, the towels always stay soft and fragrant. Gioianews.it

The third trick is to put balls of yarn in the dryer as they remove the wrinkles from the laundry and smooth the fibers, leaving the towels wrinkle-free. Perhaps not everyone knows that chamomile also has a relaxing effect on the fibers of towels. Therefore, it is enough to prepare an infusion with a liter of water and 4 sachets of chamomile, let it cool and then pour it into a bowl and soak towels for about half an hour and then wash in the washing machine as usual.

Another important precaution to always have soft towels is to pay attention to the way they are stored in the wardrobe. In fact, we often tend to hastily fold them back three or four times. However, this runs the risk of the fabric creasing and slowly becoming stiffer. The best technique is to roll them up and then tie them with a ribbon so they don’t get crushed. This means they retain their softness and the fabric remains intact.