1655388129 The Most Contradictory Zodiac Signs Do You Know Them e

The Most Contradictory Zodiac Signs: Do You Know Them? e you are! Daily

Appearing contradictory, that is, in a way that is inconsistent with oneself, is perceived as both a negative and a potentially positive trait. Negative because it can represent a tendency to stick to two feet in two shoes, but also the ability to read an argument from two, perhaps even opposing, points of view. The zodiac pretty much identifies these personalities, and the more conflicting signs may surprise some. do you know her

The Most Contradictory Zodiac Signs: Do You Know Them? Here you are!


Difficult to “unlock” the twisted mental labyrinth that controls those born under the sign of Pisces, ie dreamers, but also eager enough not to turn against anyone. In fact, when Pisces needs to examine a person or situation, they are not swayed by opinion, but tend to form very personal opinions. He hates being imbalanced, he’s incapable of it and that’s why he usually seems contradictory.


Another sign that hates “white” or “black” reasoning and doesn’t like easy answers. He often has two opinions on everything, but (almost) never manages to appear contradictory. This is because he has a strong analytical and critical mind that drives him not to talk “nonsense”. It contradicts itself, but always explains very logically why it is.


Not the most diplomatic of the zodiac, he’s very logical, and while a little fixated on consistency, he’s witty enough to understand that being too inflexible is never advisable, and means real “dullness.” For this reason, although it seems contradictory, he still manages to impose his reasons.

contradicting signs