1705876706 The most sensational betrayal among VIPs The last was the

The most sensational betrayal among VIPs: The last was the most scandalous Spetteguless

Anonymous VIPs – Spetteguless.it

Just like “mere mortals,” VIPs are not exempt from betrayals, and some of them have long attracted media attention. Even today, some “horns” remain so noticeable that they are still discussed. Let's go through some of them.

Belen Rodríguez

Belen Rodriguez with Stefano De Martino – Spetteguless.it

The story between Belen Rodriguez and Stefano De Martino For years she had occupied all the front pages of the trade newspapers, but now it seems to be finally over between them and the Argentinian soubrette seems to be happy at the side of her new partner Elio Lorenzoni, with whom there is already talk of new orange blossoms. However, not everyone remembers that the love between the hosts was born under the sign of the horns: the two met in 2012 on the show Amici di Maria De Filippi, when the then dancer was still engaged to Emma Marrone, and then left her to continuing the relationship with Belen.

Another of the most famous VIP betrayals is the one that interested Elizabeth Taylor, Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds in the fifties. The two actresses were very close friends and Debbie had been married to the singer since 1955. However, this did not stop her colleague and friend from falling in love with him and marrying him in 1959 after he divorced the mother of his children in a flash. Years later, the two reconciled and starred together in a film that effectively made fun of the man they once shared and was renamed “Freddie” for the occasion.

VIP betrayal, the most sensational and remembered by fans

So it's impossible not to remember what still gets everyone talking the one (or those) between Ilary Blasi and Francesco Totti. Married since 2005 and divorced in 2022, as the presenter said in her documentary Unica, she would have found out about the cuckold with Noemi Bocchi through the persecution of her husband. The footballer, in turn, is said to have discovered messages with another man on his cell phone.

Totti blasi

Francesco Totti and Ilary Blasi – Spetteguless.it

Another betrayal that ended up in all the newspapers and was talked about for years, qthe one between Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. The two, together since the late 1990s, married in 2000, but the marriage didn't last long: on the set of Mr & Mrs Smith, the actor met his colleague Angelina Jolie and completely lost his head for her. He and Aniston divorced, and Brad married his partner, but in 2016 he also divorced her, with whom he now has a decidedly bad relationship over custody of the children.

Finally, it is impossible not to mention the most famous one with the greatest consequences: that between King Charles III, the then Prince of Wales, and Lady Diana Spencer. Married in 1981, the relationship collapsed within a few years due to the prince's affair with Camilla Parker-Bowles. The same one who now sits on the throne of England as Queen, having finally married the love of her life in 2006.