The mystery continues with the body found in a dustbin

The mystery continues with the body found in a dustbin

More than 48 hours after the discovery of a man’s body in a garbage can in a luxury Montreal neighborhood yesterday, the mystery remained unsolved for residents.

• Also read: Another body was found in a garbage can in Montreal

“It’s usually quiet here. We’re next to Mount Royal, people go jogging and family walks on the weekends. I had never heard of such drama on our street,” begins Sandra Mackay in English.

Investigation - Death - Garbage

The horror would have happened in the apartment of one of his neighbors on Avenue des Pins on Friday evening. Around 7:20 p.m., police went to the affluent area of ​​the Golden Square Mile. An emergency call had previously been made in connection with bloodstains found inside and outside the building.

Current research

Officers from the Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM) later discovered a body in a garbage can on Avenue du Docteur-Penfield, 280 m from the building where they first intervened.

Investigation - Death - Garbage

Photo agency QMI, Pascal Girard

After the tragedy, the Journal noted that forensic identification and investigators were still busy at the luxurious building on Avenue des Pins.

“We have nothing new on this case today. We also have to wait for the victim’s autopsy to better understand what happened,” said agent Véronique Comtois, spokeswoman for the SPVM.

signs of violence

At the moment, the identity or even the age of the man found dead in the garbage is still unknown. However, the SPVM clarified that the person bore marks of violence on his body.

Investigation - Death - Garbage

“Yesterday around 11 p.m. there were a lot of police here. I couldn’t go home. […] What worries me is that we are full of students who live in the area. I would just like to know if I know him,” says Imaël Khan, who lives on Avenue du Docteur-Penfield.

Citizens have also said they are concerned that no suspect has yet been arrested in the 27th murder committed in Montreal since the beginning of the year.

Investigation - Death - Garbage

Note that this is the second time in almost two months that a body has been hidden in metro Quebec’s garbage. The body of Richard Lizotte, 58, was found in a recycling bin in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve district last August.