1703550386 The mystery of flight Mh370 So they can finally find

The mystery of flight Mh370: So they can finally find it

To this day, the disappearance of the passenger plane remains a real mystery Mh370 of Malaysia Airlines, who disappeared on March 8, 2014 during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. No problems were reported in the first 40 minutes of flight, but just seconds after crossing Vietnamese airspace, MH370 disappeared completely from radar and all subsequent contact attempts failed. From that moment on, the only question that remains is what really happened.

The possible turning point

Today, after many years and countless searches for one of the most disturbing aviation mysteries of all time, a group of experts claims that the plane could be found in just a few days thanks to a new study. Immediately after the disappearance, massive search operations began from the Indian Ocean across the southern coast of Australia to Central Asia, but there was no trace of the Boeing 777 and its 227 passengers and 12 crew members. But in September of this year Jean Luc Marchand an aerospace expert and the pilot Patrick Blelly They called for new research and brought new evidence. The couple said the plane could be found in 10 days.

“According to the new calculations, the area where the search should focus is now more limited. Taking into account new technologies, the plane could be found in 10 days.” The news reached major newspapers and Mail Online reported that the two experts had asked Australian transport safety authorities, the Malaysian government and exploration company Ocean Infinity to start a new search .

Where this area would be located

The newly proposed area would not have been visited as the two experts are convinced that the plane was hijacked voluntarily. “We believe, and the study conducted proves, that the hijacking was carried out by an experienced pilot. A controlled ditching was carried out with the cabin depressurized so as not to leave too many tracks or debris. At that moment the aircraft was not visible to civilian radars, but was nevertheless tracked by satellites.” The theory was also confirmed by previous research, which showed how military radar tracked him for an hour after his disappearance as he headed west from the flight plan deviated.


The Boeing fell out of radar range about 370 km northwest of Penang Island, but information was obtained from satellite communications systems used to transmit messages from the cockpit and automated messages from onboard equipment to ground stations. According to experts, some conclusions can be drawn based on satellite communication. First, the aircraft remained operational until at least seven hours after last contact with air traffic control over the South China Sea. The data also suggests that it was moving at very high speeds.

The last recorded ground station communication occurred when the aircraft had been airborne for 7 hours and 38 minutes. The Kuala Lumpur-Beijing flight lasts about 5 hours and 36 minutes, so it is assumed that after this time the fuel ran out. These data are compatible with those of the fuel, which indicate that 49,100 kg were loaded into the Boeing 777 (37,200 was enough to get to Beijing), an amount that would have kept it in flight for about 7 hours and 31 minutes can.

Previous research

Between 2015 and 2016, numerous debris that were proven to be parts of the aircraft were found on the island of Réunion and off the coast of Madagascar. But the search for the missing plane in the southern Indian Ocean has so far been unsuccessful. A joint underwater search by Australia, Malaysia and China that cost $200 million ended in January 2017 with no results. A second search by the American marine research company Ocean Infinity, which began in January 2018 and lasted six months, was also unsuccessful.

The new technology

In this new research study Richard GodfreyDR. Hannes Coetzee and the Prof. Simon Maskell, used an innovative amateur radio technology called Weak Signal Propagation Reporter (WSPR) to detect and track the flight. This has been developed over the last three years and the results represent a new opportunity in the search for MH370.

Starting from a known radar position, the study reconstructed 67 aircraft positions detected by a total of 125 anomalous WSPR links over the next 6 hours and 27 minutes of flight. (WSPR stands for Weak Signal Propagation Reporter, an automatic system used by radio amateurs to study propagation and test antennas “in the field” by automatically transmitting and receiving intentionally weak signals, ed.).

The results are consistent with previous analyzes by Boeing, Inmarsat and the University of Western Australia's drift analysis of floating MH370 debris recovered from the Indian Ocean. The professor. Simon Maskell is also currently developing a variant of the algorithm originally developed by DSTG Australia (Defence Science and Technology Group, the main agency of the Australian government, editor's note) to determine the likely location of the MH370 crash, but this time WSPR modified based on the data. It is therefore hoped that this further research will locate the remains of the aircraft and provide an answer to this mystery.

New trajectory of the missing flight MH370New study on the aircraft location of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370