The mystery of the man who fell off a cruise

The mystery of the man who fell off a cruise ship and was rescued a minute before his death

Coast Guard salvage

He spent nearly 20 hours alone in the Gulf of Mexico after falling off a cruise ship and being rescued on Thanksgiving. James Michael Grimes spoke about the experience on Good Morning America just last Friday and said it taught him not to take life for granted. The 28-year-old from Lafayette, Alabama, was on a carnival cruise to Cozumel, Mexico with 18 relatives when he somehow fell overboard after a day of fun. He recalls telling his sister around 11pm on November 23 during the cruise that he was going to the bathroom. What happened next is still unclear. He said he didn’t remember falling in the water. “When I regained consciousness I was out at sea and there was not a boat in sight,” he said. One of the U.S. Coast Guard officers who rescued him told CBS News he believed Grimes had “about 30 seconds to a minute before he died,” given his condition. The 28-year-old was rescued completely naked around 2:30 p.m. local time on November 24 approximately 20 miles off the coast of Southwest Pass, Louisiana.

05/12/2022 01:59