1657327061 The new E600 bonus is official who can claim it

The new €600 bonus is official: who can claim it and what is it for Il Fatto Vesuviano


The €600 bonus is finally here, don’t wait and rush to apply now: here are all the details. In the last few weeks we have talked a lot about the “one-time” bonus of 200 euros, which will reach many citizens these days. But there’s more good news for everyone, and it’s a bonus that far exceeds that number. In fact, we are talking about 600 euros, but they can also reach up to 800 euros. A really important message that puts a little hope in everyone’s heart. In fact, many families are in trouble at this time.

If the first cause of the collapse of the Italian economy was Covid, now we have other problems due to the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. This terrible conflict not only causes heavy loss of life, but also has a tremendous impact on the prices of utilities, fuel and basic necessities. As if all of this wasn’t enough, there is now the problem of drought, which is wiping out the summer harvest. In short, we are in a sea of ​​​​problems and at this delicate moment the government has announced this new bonus. Let’s see all the details right away.

The bonus that comes at the right time: How to get from 600 to 800 euros

Precisely because of the recent increases, including spending, the government has decided to renew the spending bonus. In addition to those previously made available, in this case too, it is the municipalities that distribute the vouchers to the various families entitled to them.

Each municipality’s budget for the spending bonus differs, as do the eligibility requirements for receiving grants. In fact, it is the responsibility of the municipalities to set the requirements to receive the bonus and publish the announcement on their official website. In order to receive financial aid, you will most likely need to provide the ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator).

This document is essential as it certifies your annual income and that of your possible family. So if you don’t have the updated one, I suggest you go to a CAF or Patronage ASAP and request it. All you have to do is check with the municipality where you live to find out the publication dates of the advertisement, the requirements and how to apply.

Source attualita.tuttogratis.it