The new feather trick of the smart ones for a

The new feather trick of the smart ones for a full tank for only 5 euros iMilanesi Siamo noi

Did you know there’s a springtime trick to having that much more fuel? Many smart people put it into practice, but let’s find out what this trick consists of, which allows you to have a full tank for 5 euros.

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Practiced by so many smartasses, the spring trick is a method that allows you to have extra fuel Just put 5 euros in the self-service box. How is it possible? Let’s find out everything about this illegal trick.

Fuel explosion with price increases

For several years, the increase in fuel prices has been a cause of great concern among motorists, mainly because the work carried out makes it impossible to bear the costs of these dizzying increases.

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As we know, the war between Russia and Ukraine has made matters worse and the impact on the Italian economy is visible to all. THE Drivers don’t make it more and they continue the measures that the government has been implementing for several years.

However, measures are not enough

The rise in the price of petrol and diesel in 2022 was a real blow to motorists, but even now that we’re in 2023, things aren’t looking any better. International instabilityalso due to the mentioned outbreak of war between Ukraine and Russia, has led to gains in all sectors and once again fuels are the target.

Reduction of excise duties on fuel costs The measures decided by the government gave some relief and slightly improved the situation. In fact, the prices for petrol and diesel fell slightly compared to the previous months, which gave Italian motorists a sigh of relief.

but now, There is no longer an extension of the excise tax rebate and therefore fuel costs have risen again. Contrary to what was said, it was assumed that the discount was not affected, but it was not extended, so the situation deteriorated again.

And what will Italian motorists do now? Well, as is normal, giving up is not possible and one must keep going. Many do this by resorting to fuel-saving strategies, some legal and some illegal.

In the latter case applies Many do it because they are desperate, and it is completely impossible to continue with these high fuel prices. A very common trick to get free fuel is using the feather, but let’s find out all about this method!

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What is the spring trick?

Therefore, an attempt is made to save fuel the goal of many driverswho come up with various tricks to extend their service life and avoid constant refueling.

One way to save money is to travel from managers getting fuel at lower prices an obviously legal solution compared to others that anyone can implement simply by checking the price on the posted signs.

However, there is also a method that you can use to get free fuel. is called the spring trick. Why is? This is an illegal trick practiced by as many drivers who want it Fill up with little money and get more fuel.

The method is to be set a 5 euro note in the self-service cash compartmentinsert the dispenser e into the filler neck Start jumping over the pump. This procedure allows you to drain most of the existing fuel without spending more money.

The trick is easy to do But remember that it is illegal And if it is discovered, you face heavy penalties. However, there are many clever people who put it into practice, and they do it by stealing fuel They’ve saved a lot of money, but if they get caught, they’ll be in trouble.