The new head of state Meloni dreamed of: direct election, five year term and powers to govern…

In which “Program for Italy“The project presented by the coalition can be summed up in six words:”direct dial of President of the Republic“. But to understand that in detail presidential system dreaming of the center right, it makes sense to re-read the draft constitutional law that was signed first Giorgia Meloni, deposited in the hemicycle during the first days of the legislature and rejected last May by 236 votes to 204: this text would in all likelihood inspire a new reform project in the eventual center-right government. The article draws a middle ground between the French model and the German and Spanish models, from which it draws the institution “constructive distrustThis makes it possible to discourage the government led by a prime minister while also specifying his successor. In summary, it provides for the head of state to come elected by universal suffragewho has a mandate 5 years (equal to that of Parliament) and not more than seven, and so be it responsible of general politics the government. In the introduction to the text, the proponents – Meloni and 31 other deputies from the Brothers of Italy – write that “a President elected by the Italians, legitimized by the Italians and accountable for its actions only to its constituents, is the most important constitutional reform we can give to a nation in need of stability.

Specifically, the proposal intervenes in both Title II of Constitution (The President of the Republic), amending Articles 83 to 89, both on Title III (The Government), Amendment of Articles 92 to 96. The first paragraphs of Article 84, which regulates the requirements for the election of the Head of State, would be reworded as follows: “The President of the Republic shall be elected by universal and direct suffrage. Any citizen who has graduated can be elected President of the Republic forty years old (no longer fifty, editor’s note) and enjoy civil and political rights”. The new Article 85, which governs the electoral process, would provide that the President be “elected for five years” and also specifically that he “re-elected only once“(While the charter is currently silent on the possibility of re-election, which is inferred interpretatively). Nominations for office may be submitted by a fractionout two hundred thousand voters or by any number of congressmen, senators, deputies, regional councillors, governors or mayors, who must be determined by law. In order to be elected, you need the majority absolute number of voters: If none of the candidates reaches this number, the vote between the two most voted takes place two weeks after the first ballot – as in France.

In relation to government, the figure of prime minister is replaced by that of one prime minister with greatly reduced forces: a preside the cabinetIn fact, it is not he (except as deputy) but the head of state who also – according to the new Article 95 – “directs and is responsible for the general policies of the government. It maintains the unity of political and administrative management and promotes e.g coordinate the work of the ministers“. The President of the Republic, as with the Prime Minister, would appoint “the Prime Minister and, on his proposal, the ministers”, but would also have the power to do so revoke them at any time. Finally, the provision in the current Article 94 that requires the government to present itself to the chambers within ten days of its formation to gain their confidence is abolished: confidence would only be required of a government formed through constructive distrust. It is a mechanism whereby an absolute majority of members of a House can discourage government indicates at the same time the person to whom the President of the Republic owes something give the order Prime Minister (who may also be a personality of opposite political leanings). Only in this case “The government formed following the acceptance of the motion of no-confidence will present itself to the chambers within five days to win their confidence.”