The New Moon in October will influence these 3 astrological

The New Moon in October will influence these 3 astrological signs – Hello Hello

The new moon expected on October 14th will usher us into a new chapter in our love and professional lives. In the Libra constellation, our emotions will be strong, especially with air signs who are much more sensitive than usual.

Justice, love, harmony, balance… Libra’s influence will be at the heart of this New Moon and is exactly what we need in our relationships with others. Whether for a new or old relationship, in the professional area, with your loved ones or even in a conflict, the energy of the new moon will give you the tools to cultivate harmonious relationships and be successful. This is the ideal opportunity to build new relationships or end a difficult relationship or conflict. This is also a good time to seek balance in all aspects of your life. Refocus on your needs and well-being to start this new madness with more ease. Finally, pay attention to your emotions. The energy of love will be strong during this new moon in Libra.

The 3 astrological signs affected by the October new moon:


Romance and creativity are the focus for Gemini. This new moon will be the time to take on new artistic projects. Maybe it’s the start of a new romantic relationship that fills a void, or the arrival of a new baby in your family, or the start of a new creative collaboration. No matter what happens to you, when this madness approaches, always remember that everything is a matter of balance and that there is no need to rush. Avoid extremes and be patient, everything happens in its time.


It’s time to think about yourself and realize yourself. Under your zodiac sign, this madness will be a time of reflection and questioning that will allow you to make the best decisions for your well-being and future. Clean up around yourself and say goodbye to what no longer serves you to make room for renewal. It’s time to find yourself and shine on your own. In your need for harmony with others, you often tend to forget yourself, but thanks to this New Moon you will find the balance necessary to express your needs and assert your independence.


New moons are the ideal time to take stock, rest, and set your intentions for the start of a new cycle. During this time, Aquarius will feel a great need for rest in order to put their ideas into action again. October lunation will be favorable for you, your deepest desires will begin to come true. You will benefit from lunar energy to work towards achieving your dreams. You have an even greater chance of success if your dreams or your new projects involve professional, romantic or business relationships.