1689774504 The newborn shows a strange swelling on the neck what

The newborn shows a strange swelling on the neck: what they discover in the hospital is terrible Ecoo

A little girl was hospitalized by her parents because of a sudden swelling in her neck: the discovery left doctors speechless.

Doctors remove a newborn's neck featherHospital (photo by Canva) – Ecoo.it

myathat’s the name of Girltaken to the hospital, come on Parents for she had been crying for a few days and seemed to be in pain. A discomfort caused by a small swelling on the necka temporary thing that the parents originally thought about, but slowly the swelling was getting worse.

Concerned, the mother and father decided to get in touch specialistsbut when they got to the hospital, the doctors ran the necessary tests, and what they discovered shocked them: they had never seen one similar. The little one was hospitalized for a few days and received the necessary treatment.

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A story from Hutchinsona U.S. state citizen Kansasthat of the little one mya Whittington, Small on its own seven months. The little one, a few years ago, right in 2012She was accompanied by her parents hospital.

Mya Baby Spring NeckDoctor (Photo by Canva) – Ecoo.it

The latter had noticed something odd swelling under the neck the daughter who always complained about illnesses and wouldn’t stop crying. At that point the decision was made to take her to the city hospital and contact them specialists who carried out the necessary visits and examinations. So the little girl was there immediately controlled for what initially looked like a pimple. In reality, something very unusual was hiding under the skin.

The doctors drew the area to see if the swelling was getting worse over the days: it did, in a short time it had grown to the size of a blood golf ball. Not only that, you got out of the swelling Topkind of white thread. Therefore, the specialists intervened and extracted one from Mya’s neck Feather about five centimeters. A circumstance that left the parents, but also the doctors themselves speechless.

But how did the feather get there?

Use a spring neck puff in newbornsFeather (photo by Canva) – Ecoo.it

The doctors who then treated the little girl’s neck wondered how that feather could have ended up there. It has been speculated that Mya may have ingested this Featherprobably included in one of the Pillow of the house, and then this then perforated There cheek or the throat lands on the neck.

After the feather was removed, the baby was taken to the hospital for all further treatment and testing, but luckily she recovered and her parents could breathe a sigh of relief.

A story that went around the world, that of little Mya, considering that the same doctors had never seen anything like it before, a bit like what happened to one A few weeks ago, a health worker pulled something unusual out of a little boy’s nose. What happened also went viral network Many users have recalled that it is not uncommon for little ones to slip objects stranger In mouth.