1696656987 The Norwegian solution to leaving your dog untethered in the

The Norwegian solution to leaving your dog untethered in the supermarket: air-conditioned kennels that can be opened via an app

Dog app for kennelsTwo people show one of the kennels of the Norwegian company Den4Dogs, where they can safely leave the dog at the door of a supermarket.Anne Karin Andersen

The new animal protection law, which came into force last week, bans leaving dogs unattended at the door of supermarkets and shops, a common practice in Spain and now punishable by a fine of 500 euros. In Norway, where similar legislation has been in place for two decades, a company has launched an idea to avoid fines: air-conditioned cabins, safe and free for users, placed next to establishments and can be opened and closed using an app . The design has already reached five European countries, but Spain is not one of them. Another company in the USA now offers similar services, but for a fee.

Spanish regulations prohibit animals from being “tethered or wandering through public spaces without the personal supervision of their carer,” meaning the dog can no longer be left at the door of a business to go shopping. “Leaving an animal tied up for a minute to buy bread is not a problem, but leaving it in the sun for an hour to enter a shopping center is because it can dry out, there is a possible risk of abuse or “being attacked by another dog,” comments Nuria Menéndez de Llano, animal law expert. The small fine can range from 500 to 10,000 euros and its imposition depends on the city councils and autonomous communities.

A facility in Santiago de Compostela that still has a place where pets can stay tied up.A facility in Santiago de Compostela that still has a place where pets can stay tied up.ÓSCAR CORRAL

In Norway, where this practice has been banned since 2004, they have found a solution. “We are a small Norwegian company founded by dog ​​lovers. We worked with dog experts from universities, trainers and dog shelters to develop a suitable solution for these animals,” explains Frode Rogstad, CEO of Den4Dogs, by phone. The brand has developed a customized stand that will be placed at the door of the establishments that request it.

Dog houses in a shopping center in Norway. Dog houses in a shopping center in Norway.

The consumer must download an application. When he arrives at the supermarket, he uses the app to open the door to the dog house and leaves the dog there, secured by an electromagnetic lock. “They are air-conditioned, comfortable and safe,” says Rogstad. Once the purchases have been made, the door is opened using the same app and the dog can be picked up. They are automatically disinfected after each use.

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One hundred cabins installed

The company says it has already installed a hundred of these cabins in Norway (where there are about 60) and Sweden (about 40). “They mainly ask us in supermarkets, shopping centers, restaurants and pharmacies,” says the founder. They have also received orders from Finland, the Netherlands and Slovenia, but none from Spain yet. “The huts are adapted to the Nordic cold, but we have also tested them to withstand heat of up to 46 degrees,” he emphasizes. The service is free for pet owners. On the other hand, companies that want to install them will have to pay 800 euros for the installation and then a maintenance service of 99 euros per month.

Kennel for safely parking your dog in front of the supermarket door from the US brand DogSpots.Kennel for safely parking your dog in front of the supermarket door from the US brand DogSpots.

It’s not the only company that has focused on this new need of animal lovers. In the US, DogSpots has been around for several years, a brand that offers comfortable dog houses where you can accommodate pets while you go shopping or eat at a restaurant. They are made of aluminum, are air-conditioned and connected to the Internet, so that the animal’s owner knows how he is doing at all times. In this case, they charge users 30 cents per minute. According to company information, they are represented in 17 North American states.

“With DogSpot, you don’t have to leave your dog at home when you go for a walk, and you don’t have to deal with leaving your dog tied up and unattended while you go shopping. “Our kennels are cozy, state-of-the-art enclosures located on sidewalks, close to places that want to be friendly to your pet but don’t allow dogs in,” the company notes on its website.

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