Barry Lyndon Stanley Kubricks masterful journey into the 18th century

The Ondas Prize “Late Xou” and three other things on TV today

“Later Xou.”

The 2nd, 11:50 p.m

Ana Duato, one of the guests at Marc Giró's “Late Xou”.Ana Duato, one of the guests on Marc Giró’s “Late Xou”.RTVE

Marc Giró’s Late Night made the jump from Catalan to national television this season and just won an Ondas 2023 Award for Best Proximity Content. In this episode, which RTVE Play has brought forward to 8:00 p.m., two actresses will appear: Ana Duato, who is saying goodbye to Cuéntame these weeks after 23 seasons, and Candela Peña. The program also includes an appearance on the set by the artist Julia Medina, who is currently participating in another public program, Incredible Duos, after going through Operación Triunfo.

Special “Out of Cover” offer.

Four, 10:50 p.m.

The Mediaset network presents the first of the two fentanyl specials. A deadly epidemic. Hosted and directed by Alejandra Andrade, the space travels to San Francisco and Los Angeles to show the consequences of a substance whose use has recently multiplied in Spain and is 50 times more powerful than heroin. It has become the leading cause of death among Americans ages 18 to 49, can kill with just one dose, and claims 200 lives every day.

‘The Conqueror’

1, 10:45 p.m

Spheres, another spectacular test of “The Conqueror”.Spheres, another spectacular test of “The Conqueror”.RTVE

The extreme survival show saves another of its most spectacular games for its first edition on TVE. The Spheres test will determine whether immunity and nerves will cause moments of great tension and even some fear. After the broadcast, the debate will analyze everything that happened in episode 8 in detail. Presented by Raquel Sánchez Silva and Marc Calderó, which will also feature La Pija and La Quinqui.

“The Mad Professor”

The 2nd, May 22nd

Jerry Lewis in The Nutty Professor.Jerry Lewis in The Nutty Professor.

Few filmmakers like Jerry Lewis have achieved such a skill for visual abstraction and narrative aggressiveness. The crazy professor explodes the myth of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, throws darts at human behavior and embarks on a mad tour through the sexist ghosts of society.

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