Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

The opposition political party supports the CNE of Venezuela in a referendum

The President of the CNE, Elvis Amoroso, announced this after concluding a meeting with the leadership of this political force at his headquarters, adding that he is very happy for the electoral party that is in full swing.

He announced that as part of the program, starting this Tuesday, a number of political parties, unions, institutions and religious groups will go to the Council, who will receive them for a registration day and who want to support the electoral power in the further process.

“We are very pleased that the majority of political parties have agreed to work on the referendum and to do everything possible to ensure that they participate “all united” in the referendum for Guyana Esequiba, he stated.

Amoroso said he was pleased to see different sectors coming together to defend “our beloved Venezuelan homeland.”

AD Rep. José Gregorio Correa explained that Venezuelan territory belongs not only to those born in this country, but also to those who are ready to defend it with all their might.

We came to the CNE to convey our consent, support and our manifesto that we will be there on December 3 because the referendum “is not a matter for the government or the opposition,” he noted, demanding that “we must be one “.

Correa stressed that they will defend the Essequibo area from all possible angles and that is why Democratic Action “unites in unity.”

He reiterated that they must take a firm, unique position vis-à-vis Guyana and the world, that this territory “historically belongs to us since 1777, when the Captain General of Venezuela was created,” and that we must in no way be divided in its defense.

This Tuesday, the CNE authorities also held a courtesy meeting with representatives of the Carter Center, who arrived in Venezuela on November 2 to discuss the consideration of an invitation and the deployment of a technical observation mission in the 2024 presidential elections.

As part of the agreements signed on October 17 in Barbados between a government delegation and the opposition Unitary Platform, this American NGO was invited to take part in the said elections as an observer.

The rectors of the CNE also want to receive representatives of the opposition organization Prociudadanos on this day.
