The origin of the Nintendo brand will amaze you

The origin of the Nintendo brand will amaze you – I’m interested

The history of the Nintendo brand dates back over a century when the company was founded in Japan in 1889.

In 1889, artist Fusajiro Yamauchi created hanafuda cards (flower playing cards) in Kyoto. japanese traditional game. He himself paints his small, thick cardboard boxes with mulberry bark, very colorfully, combining the seasons, nature, fauna… Yamauchi poetically names his company Nintendo Koppai (Let’s give the sky a chance).

A success that is gaining momentum thanks to the Japanese mafia

His business will take off quickly… thanks to the mafia ! The Yakuza introduce their cards into the gambling dens. As professional players use a new deck for every game, sales increase!

However, the company quickly evolved and diversified into one of the major players in the video game industry.

The turning point of video games

In the 1960s and 1970s, Nintendo started looking into this electronic games market. She has evolved arcade games and electronic toys, such as the popular Game & Watch series portable consoles with built-in games. These products were hugely successful, cementing Nintendo’s reputation as an innovator in electronic entertainment.

But it wasn’t until 1983 that Nintendo experienced a real turning point with the introduction of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) console. Released in Japan under the name Famicom, this gaming console was a huge commercial success. It introduced iconic games like Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda and Metroid, which have become iconic franchises of the brand.

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