The overwhelming Lagarde warning that the ultra low inflation era

The overwhelming Lagarde warning that the ultra low inflation era has little chance of returning after saying the opposite! Insolence

I don’t want to offend you by reminding you what Christine Lagarde said less than a year ago, that inflation will be weak and above all temporary, that is, temporary, and therefore we should not worry. She now says the opposite. So I’ll tell you and I’ll say it again, but more importantly, I’ll prove it to you by putting Lagarde’s words in parallel with what I said a year ago, what we could already see, and the fact that the aim is not to inform you, but to ensure social stability.

The era of ultra-low inflation is unlikely to return, says Lagarde

“The period of very low inflation that preceded the COVID-19 pandemic is unlikely to return and central banks need to brace for higher inflation expectations,” Christine Lagarde, the bank’s governor, told the European Central Bank (ECB) on Wednesday. .

According to economists, eurozone inflation, which hit an all-time high of 8.1% in May, should continue to rise until early autumn, before slowly decelerating and remaining above the ECB’s 2% target by 2024.” (Source here)

On Ecorama or how to pass for a dubious economist when you’re right!

Take the time to listen to this video again and relate it to the events that we have witnessed in this year that is yet to come.

And now listen to the words of the Mamamouchis with farsightedness and distance.

And that decline needs to be the norm for all subjects.


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