The Palestinian government accuses Israel of vowing to resist the

The Palestinian government accuses Israel of vowing to resist the militias

The official spokesman for the presidency, Nabil Abu Rudeina, announced an emergency meeting of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) in the next few hours to decide measures against Tel Aviv’s aggression.

“The occupation (Israel) is leading the situation to an impasse, playing with fire,” he warned.

For its part, the State Department denounced the numerous deaths, injuries and arrests since the beginning of the campaign.

The Israeli government’s claim that it wants to remain calm is nothing more than an attempt to cover up its real intentions to drag the region into a spiral of violence, and the Palestinians will not be the only ones to pay the price for its results must, he said warned. .

Meanwhile, Minister of Civil Affairs Hussein Al Sheikh criticized the international community’s silence.

The Tel Aviv army is shedding Palestinian blood daily in front of everyone, the official wrote on Twitter.

Amidst this panorama, various Palestinian militias and parties reiterated that they will respond to these attacks.

Our people have no choice but to face the new escalation through resistance, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine said.

Islamic Jihad said in a statement that “the continuation of the occupation’s crimes will not bring perceived security at the cost of our children’s blood” and assured there would be reprisals.

The leader of the Islamic resistance movement (Hamas) in the West Bank, Faza Sawafta, made a similar statement, calling for a general mobilization and pointing out that Israel will not enjoy peace even as long as it continues its attacks.

Hamas sources said that the day before, Palestinian militias had met in the Gaza Strip to address the situation in the West Bank, the epicenter of the escalation.

The Prisoners Club announced Thursday that Israeli forces arrested more than 200 Palestinians in the West Bank, including 30 minors, in the first two weeks of April.

The Israeli authorities presented the military operation in the area as a response to an attack carried out in Tel Aviv last week by a Palestinian from the city of Jenin, which killed three civilians and the attacker. This latest action was condemned by PNA President Mahmoud Abbas.
