1688387443 The Palio di Siena July 2 2023 exclusive live La7

The Palio di Siena, July 2, 2023, exclusive live La7 TV with Pierluigi Pardo Digital Sat News




Il Palio di Siena, July 2, 2023, exclusive live La7 TV with Pierluigi PardoUPDATE at 21:12: An authentic solo to enter the story Palio of Siena. It was the jockey’s Forest John Atzenicalled Tittiathan on horseback Raped by Clodia He won his fifth straight career, the most in the history of Palio. It starts and finishes at the top of a race unrivaled and gives Selva its fortieth win in four years Tittia came first to the pennant on horseback Remorex. Second win for the horse today Violence of Clodia10 year old brown female, in five Corsican Palios. tithing instead overall victory for the jockey Giovanni Atzeni. The pairing Tittia – Raped by Clodia it was the same that triumphed on the tuff of field square in the last Palio course, that of August 2022, then for the colors of leo horn. A move that lasted over 40 minutes and was slowed down by the running district, the SnailHe had the rival under the ropes Tartuca. Then the valid move comes after four exits from the ropes and three rounds without going to bring big curtain created by the artist Roberto From Jullo. Only there Tower he tried to undermine the victory of the Forest but without ever having success. In the race the jockeys from porcupineat the first corner of St. Martin, giraffe and snail at the first corner of Family, Wave in the second curve of Saint Martin. Fully respected the predictions made by the district Forest as an absolute favourite. In support of the mullioned windows of Public building to the victory of Forest Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvinias in 2018, and the Interior Minister Matteo planted. From uncontrollable in the Palio of SienaToday there seems to be nothing left for record jockey Giovanni Atzeni called Tittia that from 2019 to date, except in the imposed freeze Palio He has always won since the pandemic field square: So that giraffe in July 2019, for the Forest in August 2019, for the dragon in July 2022, for the leo horn in August 2022 and again for Forest Today.

UPDATE at 8:14 PM: The Forest won that Palio of Siena on July 2, 2023. The contrada triumphed with the jockey Tittiawhat led the horse to victory Raped by Clodia. La Selva dominated the race from the first to the last meter. Tittia nailed it fifth win in a row set a historic record. In 2019 the jockey won with the giraffe in July and with the Forest in August and in 2022 (after the two-year stop due to Covid) initially with the dragon and then with that leo horn. Tittia ran a total of 36 Palios and won a total of 10. Il Horse The winner ran 4 Palios and won two, including tonight. The victory of Forest It arrived after a 45 minute wait and paired perfectly with the canapés worn by the Ten Contrade horses.

Today is July 2, 2023 And sienna (exclusive live TV A7) is back in the eyes of the world with that Palio: one of the most famous horse races, a combination of historical tradition and folk festival, which is repeated every year and is preserved as it was in the Middle Ages 90 Second breath for an entire city. 14.7 thousand people will enter the square, of which about 3 thousand paying people will sit in the stands rented by private individuals, all others will have free access directly inside the square square.

An integral part of the history of the city and of the Sienese people, the first traces of the Palio date back to the 12th century, when the competition was still being held Palio alla Lunga and it consisted of crossing the streets of the city and reaching the Duomo Vecchio. From the 13th century, the event was dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta, the patron saint of Siena, and became part of the celebrations of the Assumption of the Virgin. However, only the nobles took part in it and it was not until the late 16th century that local games appeared. The contradas In this way, they consolidate their identity and become true protagonists of the competition. In short, the Palio turned into a real show. For safety reasons, the race was relocated at the beginning of the 17th century field place. From the Palio to the Lunga it went on round price. The first was also too dangerous – the horses ran through the streets of Siena at top speed – and perhaps even less spectacular because few could follow it. And the July 2, 1652 the date to which the first can be traced Palio of Siena as we know it today. From that moment it was decided that not only the nobles would take part in races, but also the contrade itself would have the opportunity to choose its own jockey. The Palio It is dedicated to the miracle of the Madonna di Provenzano celebrated on July 2nd and was first operated in 1656 From the 18th century a second Palio of the districts was introduced. The suggestion was made by Contrada dell’Oca who after winning the competition July 2, 1701offered the opponents a kind of revenge on the occasion of the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the August 16th. The two Palios have therefore been officially recognized by the municipality of Siena since 1774. Since then, the Palio, which is always held on these two days of the year, has only been suspended during the First and Second World Wars.

You will fight for success today Porcupine, Dragon, Rook, Snail, Eagle, Giraffe, Forest, Onda, Nicchio and Tartuca. The Palio race consists of 3 laps in Piazza del Campo, on a track of tuff that runs in the ring above the shell. It starts from Relocation, consisting of 2 ropes within which 9 districts are arranged in an order determined by draw. When the last occurs, the so-called run-up, the front rope is lowered and the start is formalized. Achieve victory contrada whose horse, even without a jockey, crosses the finish line first at the end of the 3 laps. The actual race for the award of the Palio This is preceded by a procession known as the Historical Walk, attended by over 600 people 17 Contrade and the institutions of the ancient Republic of Siena. The procession meanders from Piazza del Dom In the early afternoon, it runs through a few downtown streets before ending in the city field place.

There are two dates each year: the first of 2 July and the second 16 August in honor of the Assumption of Mary. Current ten districts 17 Buzz. Each year, the seven people who did not compete in the career competition on the same day the previous year run by law, while the other three are drawn from the ten people who instead competed in the same competition the previous year. Spectators approaching the Palio for the first time or already familiar with it will likely be drawn to the contrast between the long wait for the race and the little over a minute when there are no limits The districts fight for victory.

THE FAVORITES – Among the most popular contradas as wellWaveinclude the Forest, with the horse Violenta da Clodia ridden by the jockey Giovanni Atzeni known as Tittia, and the tower with the horse Zio Frac and jockey Giuseppe Zedde known as Gingillo. Also listed dragon with Ungaros and Andrea Coghe, known as Tempesta. To finish the race Tartuca with Una per tutti and Sebastiano Murtas, known as Grandine, the Snail with Anda e Bola and Jonatan Bartoletti, known as Scompiglio, theporcupine with Reoconfesto and Federico Arri, known as Ares, the giraffe with Abbasantesa and Federico Guglielmi, known as Tamurè, the niche with Astoriux and Elias Mannucci, known as Turbine, whoEagle with Veranu and Stefano Piras, known as Scangeo. There winning district will win the prize big curtain Created for the occasion by the artist from Molise Roberto Di Jullo: it is an elegant and delicate didactic painting, capable of providing a complete and precise narration of the Palio, in full respect of tradition, in which there is no reference to history There is a lack of notes about the city, but also about the life of the man who painted it.

THE GUESTS – Minister of Infrastructure Matteo is on the guest list Salvini and the interior Matteo plantedGaleazzo Bignami Deputy Minister for Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, Andrea Delmaster of widows, Undersecretary at the Ministry of Justice and Patrizio The stone, Under-Secretary of State for the Department of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests. The parliamentarians from Augusta are also invited MontaruliEthelward SigismondiJohn DonzelliFrancis michelottiTitian NisiniGuido CastlesClear tenderFrancis wallsPaul Marcheschi and Luke Sbardella. In addition, the President of the Region of Tuscany, Eugenio, will be present at the Palazzo Pubblico Gianithe General of the Carabinieri Marine Forestry Group Marinellithe General of the Carabinieri Alessio Forestry Group NardiAmbassador Robert MartiniDeputy Director General / Central Director for Migration Policy and International Mobility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Luigi Maria VignaliDeputy Director General / Central Director for Migration Policy and International Mobility at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ambassador of Denmark in Italy Anders Carsten DamsgaardFrancis macriPresident of Estra, the actress Christian Dell’Annathe actor Luke Capuano and football coach Mario Beretta. Foreign guests include: Manuel Campos Guallar, between the owners of Real Madrid and business partner of Rafael Nadal; Esha gupta, Indian actress, former Miss India; rob Light, producer of numerous artists such as Bon Jovi, Harry Styles, Bruce Springsteen, Beyoncé; Sam FeldamProducer of numerous artists including James Taylor, Michael Bublé, Bryan Adams.

THE SECURITY – Enforcement of the security machinery with the measures envisaged by the Quaestor of Siena, Pietro Miloto ensure the smooth running of the competition you are about to enter about 15,000 people in the Campo Square. The preventive activities of a general nature and territorial control, already intensified last week, particularly with regard to the border areas between the rival Contrade, have been further strengthened throughout the historic center and in the suburbs, on the access roads to the city. including the main car parks. The services are coordinated by the head of theOffice for General Prevention and Public Aid of the Siena Police Headquartersassisted by an official of the Carabinieriare carried out using personnel from the crime prevention departments of State Police and the crews ofArma of the Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza. As a further reinforcement of the area control services, there is also a patrol of the horse department from Florence this year. Throughout the area adjacent to Piazza del Campo, the greatest attention is paid to the access gates, which they monitor and mann State Policeout of“Arma dei Carabinieri and the Guardia di Finanza, as well as by the employees of provincial and municipal police, in collaboration with the stewards for the control and filtering of people, also with metal detectors. Under the coordination of an officer, the explosives dog units and anti-sabotage bomb squad take care of pre-race sanitation operations in the piazza, stormwater and underground looting areas. The device is also intended for UOPI professionals State Police and the Sos of the Carabinieri, qualified units to deal with critical situations, as well as the team of specialists for all drone-related issues. There Scientific Police will be busy documenting the events and any critical issues that may arise during the demonstrations. On the Torre del Mangia of the Palazzo Pubblicois set up as usual Unified Coordination Centerwhich is headed by an official district and consists of representatives of each individual Police and Public Aid, which are linked by radio to their operational departments to manage all information and profiles related to security with a direct view of the square. A specific service is also implemented from above with theUse of snipers on the roofs.


Il Palio di Siena, July 2, 2023, exclusive live La7 TV with Pierluigi PardoWill be A7 which to transmit Palio of Siena exclusive of the extraordinary secular event where the districts of the Tuscan city compete in the epic horse race that takes place in Piazza del Campo, a theater covered with ocher earth for the occasion. The agreement was signed by Consortium for the Protection of the Palioas part of a broader collaboration that addresses the following Rcs Media Group and Rcs Sport and requires that the issuer i Careers television rights until 2025.

History, Passion, Culture. A unique event in the world that crosses traditions, feelings and a belief that has deep and ancient roots: Sunday, July 2, 5:15 p.m The Palio di Siena, the most spectacular event in Italy, takes place for the second consecutive year exclusively on La7, live against the magnificent backdrop of Piazza del Campo. The comment is entrusted Pierluigi Pardo the, flanked by John Mazziniwill tell every minute of this great challenge from the first bell (the second is scheduled for August 16 and will always be broadcast on La7).

During the live broadcast the services of Andrea Milluzzi They tell us about the atmosphere, the backgrounds and the anecdotes that enliven the whole city. In addition, the La7 correspondent will be included in this second edition Mappamondo Hall of the Municipality of Sienahistorical setting where the fresco depicting the “Maestà” by Simone is located Martinisublime work of the painter from 1315.

But the emotions don’t end there: it is actually arranged a trackside audio station, to hear all the voices and sounds live, from the stands to the jockeys on horses ready to set off and give life to this challenge that the Contrade has been awaiting and preparing for the last 12 months. The story of an extraordinary event – sponsored by Consortium for the Protection of the Palio – which contains centuries-old traditions, legends and folk memories and in which an entire people is involved. A tale of rivalries and alliances that stretches across streets, stairways, churches and towers to the beating heart of a square teeming with thousands of people and enthusiasts.

“It’s always very nice to come here and let yourself be enveloped by the enthusiasm of the Contradaioli and the beauty of the city and the atmosphere,” says Pierluigi leopardin his third experience as national voice al Palio – Siena is on the one hand a gift of nature, like the water that spurted out for the first time and celebrated with Fonte Gaia, but also of people’s intelligence and ability to create beauty. This beauty is visible in every corner, in every third of Siena and I am proud to be a part of it all. Of course, in the long exclusive live broadcast on La7 there will not be the adrenaline of the 80/90 seconds with the three laps in Piazza del Campo on which the fate of the districts of a whole year depends, but the history of the beauty of Siena in 360 degrees, of art, history, culture, the Piazza del Campo, the Torre del Mangia, the Fonte Gaia. A great international event, with thousands of people in the square, with many tourists, with guests from institutions, culture and entertainment. On this afternoon with purely Italian flair, the necessary attention is also paid to the subject of safety for jockeys, horses and, of course, the spectators. New for this edition is an additional station both on the square and in the town hall for interviews with Italian and international guests. And then the services that tell the story of the expectations of the Contrade: we want to make clear that the Palio is a fundamental element of a culture that affects the life of the Contrade, the social fabric of the city where different generations and social classes live Mix. It is the uniqueness of Siena that deserves and needs to be told. Professor Giovanni Mazzini will always be with me, the most technical and substantive part is just his face. I will try to tell all this beauty and I will do it with passion, hoping to do it justice.”

The rich La7 program dedicated to the Palio di Siena in July 2023 However, it starts early with two events not to be missed: Friday June 30thtwo days before the competition, the documentary titled “The Palio“, where the director of Cosima dispenser collects stunning photographs and the intensity of the event while reflecting the beauty of the city. Saturday July 1st – however – less than 24 hours after the event was broadcast live – a special entitled ‘ was broadcast at 8.30pm “Palio 2023 – The Waiting”: the images, the interviews of the evening before with the protagonists, the preparations and a summary of the last two exciting editions of 2022.

Within localthe Palio will be shown live throughout Tuscany C3T (Channel 84 of digital terrestrial television) with commentary by Franco mason come on Siena TV (Channel 91 of Digital Terrestrik) with Claudio’s commentary giomini.

Finally, for a better understanding for everyone, we offer you a small guide with the pairings of the formations (contrada colors horse jockey nicknamed) that will participate in the Palio at the start. we remember this afternoon at 7.30 p.m

  • ADLER – Golden yellow with black and turquoise stripes
    Horse: VERANU – sorrel, 9 years old – beginner
    Jockey: STEFANO PIRAS, known as Scangeo – Palio Courses 2
  • GIRAFFE – Red and White
    Horse ABBASANTESA – bitch, brown, 7 years old – novice
    Jockey FEDERICO GUGLIELMI, known as Tamurè – Palio Courses 1
  • SELVA – Green and orange with white stripes
    Horse VIOLENTA DA CLODIA – Palios ran 4 – Palios won 1
    Jockey GIOVANNI ATZENI, known as Tittia – Palios rode 35 – Palios won 9
  • WAVE – White and Light Blue
    Horse FACE D’ANGELO – Corsican Palios 2nd
    Jockey CARLO SANNA, known as Brigante – Palios courses 13 – Palios won 1
  • NICHE – Light blue with yellow and red stripes
    Horse ASTORIUX – gelding, bay, 7 years old – Palios 1 course
    Jockey ELIAS MANNUCCI known as Turbine – Palio courses 7
  • TARTUCA—Yellow and blue
    Horse ONE FOR ALL – bitch, brown, 10 years – Palio courses 3
    Jockey SEBASTIANO MURTAS named Grandine – Palio courses 9
  • Porcupine – White with red, black, and blue arabesques
    Horse REO CONFESSO – gelding, bay, 13 years old – Palios courses 2
    Jockey FEDERICO ARRI, known as Ares – Palio courses 4
  • DRAGO – Dusty pink and green with yellow stripes
    Horse UNGAROS – gelding, sorrel, 10 years old – Palios 1 course
    Jockey ANDREA COGHE, known as Tempesta – Palios courses 5 – Palios won 1
  • TOWER – Crimson with white and blue stripes
    Horse ZIO FRAC – gelding, bay, 8 years old – Palios competed in 2 races – Palios won 1
    Jockey GIUSEPPE ZEDDE known as Gingillo – Palios courses 29 – Palios won 3
  • SNAIL – Red and yellow with blue stripes
    Horse ANDA E BOLA – gelding, bay, 7 years old – novice
    Jockey JONATAN BARTOLETTI, known as Scompiglio – Palios 27 courses – Palios won 5

Article by Simone Rossi
For “Digital-News.it
(twitter: @simone__rossi)