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The Patrick Roy myth is nonsense

The conservative world of the NHL needs to stop sulking on Patrick Roy. It’s crazy that he’s not back in the NHL.

It’s musical chairs with coaches and general managers in the NHL. It appears to be a well-drawn circle. Gary Bettman even enjoys suggesting candidates.

And Roy left that circle when he left the Avalanche without warning in August 2016.

He himself admitted that he had learned from his mistakes after this controversial departure.

However, in my opinion, this surprise resignation was as unfortunate as teams’ decision to avoid the former goalkeeper since 2016.

Roy is worth much more than this short story. He won the Jack Adams in his first year in the NHL, he won two Memorial Cups, including one in spectacular fashion last spring when his Remparts overwhelmed everyone.

And it’s not all luck. This is not only because he is a good leader and motivator or because he is listened to, but also because he has had a great career. That’s because he works like crazy. He comes into the arena first, watches his videos, works on his strategies and, as a hockey student, updates himself every day. He’s an idiot.

False beliefs

There is a myth about Patrick Roy. There are false beliefs and even when Roy does everything he can to make them go away, nothing seems to change.

We hear that Patrick Roy only does what he wants and doesn’t work as a team. Don’t let him listen to other people’s opinions. That makes no sense. Everyone who has made it with him mentions that his strength is surrounding himself with the right people.

We’ve heard that Roy would just like to be both general manager and head coach in the NHL. That he wants to manage everything. That makes no sense.

No, Patrick Roy really isn’t perfect. He can be angry. He can quickly lose his temper when his team is attacked. He says what he thinks, which isn’t always a trait in the NHL.

But there is something unfair about these shortcomings. Since the Val d’Or coach can be as angry as Roy, no one will care. The Drakkar coach can make a controversial statement after a game, no one will talk about it. But when it’s Patrick, it’s always bigger.

Apparently he hasn’t always helped himself in the past. But that doesn’t detract from his resounding success as a coach.


Patrick Roy is a winner, that’s obviously the quality everyone recognizes in him. But he also knew how to become an excellent teacher with the Remparts. We see how important it is in the NHL with Martin St-Louis. He’s not just there to play hockey, he’s also trying to teach them how to be a top athlete on a team.

Roy has always spoken about the importance of the Remparts culture and the importance of producing good people who are proud to be part of this team. Far beyond the victories, it is an achievement that has always made him proud. And that, in my opinion, is a trait that will help him in the NHL.

Whether as general manager or coach, the Ottawa Senators cannot make the same mistake that several teams made this summer. It’s time to see Patrick Roy behind an NHL bench again.