1648524428 The PBS reporter gets roasted for saying Biden has more

The PBS reporter gets roasted for saying Biden has “more foreign policy experience than any president.”

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A PBS News reporter was ridiculed online Monday after telling President Biden he had more foreign policy experience “than any president who has ever held the office.”

That flattery came as Biden defended his controversial remarks about Russian President Vladimir Putin to White House reporters. In Poland, Biden said Putin “can’t stay in power.” The White House immediately dismissed the president’s provocative remark, but it made international headlines, with journalists and political leaders calling the unwritten remark a dangerous mistake that could escalate the ongoing war in Ukraine.

Biden defended himself to reporters at the White House on Monday. Fox’s Peter Doocy has fallen out with Biden over his administration, retracting a series of controversial comments suggesting the US would send troops to Ukraine if Russia uses chemical weapons and proposing regime change in Russia. However, the president claimed his comments had been misinterpreted and denied that his administration had retracted anything controversial.


President Joe Biden speaks on Ukraine in the East Room of the White House

President Joe Biden speaks on Ukraine in the East Room of the White House (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Immediately following this exchange, PBS NewsHour correspondent Lisa Desjardins flattered the president with an unusual comment.

“I still want to go back to your original words that he cannot remain in power. Can you help us understand this? You have more foreign policy experience than any president who has ever held that office,” she claimed.

Critics slammed the reporter for not knowing American history.

Photo of GOP strategist Steve Guest tweeting a PBS reporter's flattering comment to President Biden at the White House on March 28, 2022.

Photo of GOP strategist Steve Guest tweeting a PBS reporter’s flattering comment to President Biden at the White House on March 28, 2022. (twitter)

“John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and George Bush Sr. all had more foreign policy experience,” wrote Doug Sheridan, founder of EnergyPoint Research.

Dan McLaughlin, senior author of the National Review, tweeted: “Dwight Eisenhower served between 1943 and 1952 as Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, Military Governor of Germany and Commander-in-Chief of NATO. Some may remember this period as a time of significant foreign policy events in Europe. “


Others noted that despite his decades-long reign, Biden was often wrong about his foreign policy views.

President Obama’s former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates famously called Biden “wrong on nearly every major issue of foreign policy and national security for the past four decades.”

Despite the compliment, Desjardins continued to urge the president to reconsider the seriousness of his unwritten comment.

“Whether that’s your personal feelings or your feelings as President, understand why people would think you were someone commanding one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world when you say someone can’t stay in power is a statement of US politics? Are you worried too? about the propaganda use of these statements by the Russians?” she asked Biden.

But the president claimed he wasn’t concerned. “Nobody thinks we’re going to bring down – I was talking about bringing down Putin. Nobody would believe that,” Biden told the reporter, adding that he was merely expressing his “moral outrage” at Putin.