The peace summit on Gaza organized by Egypt ends without

The peace summit on Gaza organized by Egypt ends without a joint final declaration

The peace summit for Gaza and the “Palestinian question” organized by Egypt in the so-called New Administrative Capital east of Cairo ended without a joint final declaration of the 34 countries and international organizations that took part in the meeting.

Egypt, the country that convened the meeting, issued a note thanking the efforts to reach consensus beyond political or religious positions to address this crisis and the situation in Israel and Palestine, and for his common position when it came to “seeing this.” “It is important to reassess the international strategy for dealing with the conflict,” EFE reported.

Everyone who expressed their opinion at the beginning of the meeting categorically expressed the same ideas: The coexistence of two states is the only viable solution to the conflictThe lives of civilians must be protected everywhere and humanitarian aid must be allowed to enter the Gaza Strip.

Arab sources told EFE that the final declaration was not submitted despite agreement on many issues Europeans refuse to blame Israel for the deaths of civilians and call for a ceasefire.

In his closing statement, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al Sisi said the initiative aimed to create “a global consensus” to reject “violence and terrorism” and called for them to be stopped War underway following the Hamas attack that caused the deaths of “thousands of innocent civilians in both Palestine and Israel.”.

In addition, the rules of international and humanitarian law must be respected, “which underline the vital importance of protecting civilians and not exposing them to dangers or threats.”

Next this Main news highlighting the conflict between the terrorist group Hamas and Israel this Sunday.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that if the Lebanese Shiite group Hezbollah goes to war against Israel in support of Hamas, “he will make the worst mistake of his life” and “miss” the 2006 troops from both sides waged a war of heavy exchanges of fire for 15 days, EFE reported.

During a visit to Israeli troops on the border with Lebanon, where fighting is escalating, Netanyahu added: “We will hit Hezbollah with a force that cannot even be imagined, and the consequences for them and for Lebanon will be devastating. “

In the last days, The Lebanese militia has fired dozens of anti-tank missiles, rockets and mortar shells into Israeli territorywhere some of its troops attempted to enter, to which Israel responded with heavy artillery and air strikes.

– This Sunday, Israel ordered the evacuation of another 14 communities in the north, near the border with Lebanon, as it intensified its attacks against Hezbollah.

The UN rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, has warned of the possible commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity if Israel considers Gaza residents who are not “accomplices of terrorists”. Evacuate the northern area of ​​the strip.

In one post on social network assured that Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians are unable or unwilling to evacuate, including the sick and wounded. According to Albanese, the designation as an “accomplice of terrorism” represents a “threat of collective punishment” with the possible aim of “forced disappearances” or “ethnic cleansing”.

– Fifteen days later Beginning of the war between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamasin numerous cities around the world Demonstrations to demand an end to the war and the arrival of humanitarian aid for Palestinians in Gazareported EFE.

The escalation of violence began on the 7th with the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israeli territory, which claimed at least 1,400 lives and 210 hostages, and Israel’s subsequent response with bombings in the Gaza Strip, which have already claimed at least 4,469 lives, according to the Hamas-controlled Palestinian Ministry of Health .

The largest demonstration took place this Saturday in London, where they marched near Downing Street, the residence of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, to protest against the bombings in Gaza. Protesters walked among flags and banners reading “Freedom for Palestine” and “Stop the War,” chanting slogans such as “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

More than a thousand officers from the London Metropolitan Police provided security for the protest that flooded the center of the British capital for the second weekend in a row.

There were also demonstrations in Spain and Germany on Saturday This Sunday, 12,000 people gathered in Brussels also to demand a ceasefire from Israel and to defend the Palestinian peoplereported the newspaper El País.

A new convoy of 17 trucks carrying humanitarian aid entered Gaza this Sunday through the Rafah border crossing. The only open link between the Gaza Strip and the rest of the world, humanitarian and security sources told Portal. The United Nations and the WHO have denounced that the contents of the shipment, mainly canned goods, medical supplies and blankets, are insufficient to meet the needs of the people of Gaza.

– Fuel reserves in the Gaza Strip are running out and if supplies do not arrive within three days, the operation of hospitals, water distribution and humanitarian assistance in general will be affected, the United Nations Agency for Palestinian Affairs (UNRWA) quotes. EFE.

Pope Francis lamented this Sunday the “serious humanitarian situation” in the Gaza Strip and condemned the bombing of the Anglican hospital and an Orthodox church.

“Dear brothers and sisters, my thoughts are once again with what is happening in Israel and Palestine. I am very worried and hurt; “My prayers and my closeness go out to all those who suffer: hostages, victims, the wounded and their families,” he said from the window of the Apostolic Palace after the Angelus prayer.

The pope denounced “the serious humanitarian situation in Gaza” and expressed regret over the destruction of the Anglican Church’s Al-Ahli Hospital and the Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyry, where at least 18 Palestinian Christians died.

Syria accused Israel on Sunday of bombing and disabling airports in Damascus and Aleppo. The attack in Damascus killed two employees of the airfield’s weather service, the weather authority said. According to the Syrian Ministry of Transport, flights are being diverted to Latakia airport in the north of the country, EFE reported.

– The National Defense Department Canada has said that after analyzing data in its possession, it has concluded that Israel was not behind the October 17 attack on Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza. According to the Palestinian authorities, hundreds of deaths occurred.

“An independent analysis conducted by the Canadian Forces Intelligence Command shows with a high degree of certainty that Israel did not attack Al-Ahli Hospital on October 17, 2023,” said a statement from the Canadian executive branch quoted by Europa Press.

According to an “analysis of open sources and classified reports” conducted by the Department of Defense and the Canadian Armed Forces, the attack was most likely “caused by a faulty missile fired from Gaza.” In doing so, it confirms the opinion of other allies such as France and the USA, as well as the Israeli version.