1706406873 The PNV names Imanol Pradales as Lehendakari candidate for the

The PNV names Imanol Pradales as Lehendakari candidate for the next elections in the Basque Country

The PNV National Assembly unanimously declared Imanol Pradales as its candidate for Lehendakari this Saturday. The newly elected candidate will succeed Iñigo Urkullu, who has been at the head of the Basque executive for 12 years, and will represent the PNV in the closest Basque elections in history, for which there is still no date set. Pradales (Santurtzi, Bizkaia, 48 years old) assured this Saturday that he would not “disappoint” his party and that he felt “ready to lead a Basque nation with its own soul and voice in the world”. In his first speech as a candidate for Lehendakari, he pledged to “fight for more and better self-government” so that the Basque Country would be “master of its destiny.”

“I will fight for a free Euskadi with free men and women,” emphasized Pradales at an event in Durango where the PNV candidates for the Basque and European elections were presented. Pradales will top the list for Bizkaia; while Barkartxo Tejería, current President of the Basque Parliament, will do so for Gipuzkoa; and Joseba Díez Antxustegi will present Álava. The PNV leadership has also chosen former Bilbao city councilor Oihane Agirregoitia, 43, to headline the June 9 European Parliament elections.

The candidate for Lehendakari, Imanol Pradales, speaks during the National Assembly of the PNV this Saturday in Durango (Bizkaia).The candidate for Lehendakari, Imanol Pradales, speaks during the National Assembly of the PNV this Saturday in Durango (Bizkaia).H. Bilbao (Europa Press)

Andoni Ortuzar, President of the PNV, acted today as the “opening act” of a political event focused on the figure of Pradales, doctor of political science and sociology and professor on leave at the University of Deusto. “I feel strong and eager. “I will not let you down,” began the Peneuvista candidate, who admitted that he has accepted this political challenge (currently he is deputy for infrastructure in Bizkaia) because he feels “abertzale” (nationalist) and wants to “to contribute to the improvement of Euskadi and the further building of the Basque nation”.

Pradales has stressed that he believes in “a free Euskadi based on the freely expressed will” of those who live in this autonomous community. He described the “political geometry” established in the Spanish political scene as “a window of opportunity” to achieve new conquests for the Basque Country. He recalled his past as a rower and urged his party's faithful to “row together” and “never give up.” This is “the secret to being able to lift the oars when capturing the flag of freedom from Euskadi,” he added.

The Lehendakari candidate has defended “more political, economic and social presence”. [de Euskadi] on the international stage and has set himself the goal of improving the well-being of the Basques, although his “top priority,” as he said, will be “improving public health,” highlighted by the Covid pandemic.

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In the front row, Urkullu, whom Pradales described as “a great teacher” and “a reference” and thanked him for “giving everything for the service of Euskadi,” followed his speech. Thanks to him (he also named the rest of his party's Lehendakaris, without mentioning the socialist Patxi López), the Basque Country is “better”, although he also admitted that there is a general “weakening” of the welfare model. In a context characterized by the difficulty of making ends meet, the individualism of society or the “dissatisfaction and lack of credibility of political parties”, Pradales warned of the danger of “an increase in left and right populism”. which question the values ​​of democracy and cross-fertilize each other in the dangerous game of political polarization through extremes.” In view of this, he claimed “Politics in capital letters”.

Welcome between the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, and the PNV candidate for the presidency of the Basque Country, Imanol Pradales, this Saturday in Durango (Bizkaia).Welcome between the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, and the PNV candidate for the presidency of the Basque Country, Imanol Pradales, this Saturday in Durango (Bizkaia).H. Bilbao (Europa Press)

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